Show r CALENDARS CARPS 9 BOOKLETS m 1 L FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS i iO i O K oro o OO t 9 ro o oK KHiO oiO roi with ut A bo be lUte dinner without dessert denert Jus Ju why vh Christmas ruth ruther er than New ew Years Year should be a time timeto to remind the wayfarer In this vale ulo ot of tears that tempus is II a 0 questIon thAt is open Ollen for Cor discussion The giving of calendars Is a matter that requIres the most delicate For It Is not good t to t that maiden lady who wIth the aid ul of at art and cosmetIcs Is trying to target forget the fact that the tho i I I Girls J nor one another with Doll all sorts I of at cUrious In the shape ot of shells or yards ot of cats cat or dogs or stage Itao beauties or what whatever ever may op olto to the tho careful sense ense ot of the dai la and harmonize with the of their pocketbooks There I Is no one more on the Hie question of oC beauty than the school gitl gift gitt giver Iter bUt It is III loveliness from her hor own standpoint Elderly ladies too who In their ot of life have attended the caine ame singing schools and taffy to roo call that halcyon time lime by stately cal calendars endure marked Juno Jane to Dear Eliza or with lome 5 other appropriate I of at other days are dare dars and such hUmorous affaIrs ore are inside to liGhten the flight ot of time The Themore Themore more cOlli costly put puL up In bores borel It the gift tift giver gher buys a 11 moderate and Is Ia enough to secure a boxier his or hel calendar and care tUlly It III tissue paper before sendIng It way away It will III look quite as aswell aswell well us as mani of at the tho expensive ones College calendars or are among amon the tho novo ot of the tho season cuon These are aro made mude ot of the different colleges Nearly aJ the larger Institutions ore are represented and Yale ton Ion and Columbia are mado ot of delicate Iy tin tinted led ovals orals of paper with II a woman figure adorning the tho corer car The Tho Colum bin bla cover coer shows showe a 11 Knickerbocker girl girland girland and the tho Harvard cliver a 11 sober gowned Dos ton In e dress with plenty of violets scattered about her herand and n a b band ot of violet Iolet ribbon drawn throUgh a cut In tM the The Tho Princeton calendar r In the taco face facend nd figuro of a very chic ble rustic maiden carrying a ehat ot of grain ocro across l her shoulder and accompanied by a tiger evidently on guard d duty t The Yale Yalo damsel Is II a fascinating creature clad cladIn In powder patches full tull colonial dress Dickens Longfellow Zen Ton nyon Eliot and other calendars ot of quo quotations ale as us DS ever and arc rc much tho ho Bame In general appearance Those Thole with the drop covers consist ot of ofa n a number ot of cardeso cards so arranged on rib ribbons bone bons that they icy may roay be lowered to give a sImultaneous vie view ot of all the tho cards cala at once A Japanese woman omon holds In each hand a row ot of lanterns and a bird suspends garlands from its lis bill or the tho drops may flay bo be mere pan i icis cia cis or at fanciful figures A rOw ot of jolly I faced goblins on the limb ot of n a tree treo or bIrds In a 0 row are aro much ad admired mired effects A calendar which will III be welcomed b by the busy man la is what Is called the commercial It is 18 handsome In appear appearance once ance for tor It Is II a mistake to imagine that men are oro l lackIng In o appreciation ot of the artistic Tabulated sets Bets ot of slips record the days dati is s they slip by The month and day at the week are printed IR in black while the tho day ot of the tho month is II In red Ink No quotations adorn the calendar Instead block black lines are left tot Cor use uso In recording memoranda The photograph calendar is III not novel In Idea Homo new forms ot of It ore to be seen In the shops The apace for the photograph Is left vacant unless the tho giver places therein his or her own oln piso pho photograph Art rt calendars of at the tho more expensive sort lorl are mode made of satin richly painted with and amI shepherds and shep and sheep heep such a as newer neer grazed anywhere I save ve In nn an artists brain These creations are delicatelY scented With Ith sachet powders and are conceded to be ot of the tho superfine quality The little booklets which have hae enjoyed n a fluctuating popularity for sev several eral seasons arc aro nearly all ot of the tho semi religious type hymns poems ot of a amorA amorn morn morA or less leg sentimental character are Illustrated ted In colors and some of the results nto no so 10 charming that ono one won ison wonders den ders that tho books can bo be sold so BO cheaply Christmas cards carde seem to be ba as hands some Orne us as Usual and In all as great variety They range In prIce from 5 cents to tom m 25 and ond vary from Crom simple lithographed cards to those which lire are hand pain painted led ledIn In water colors on silk satin celluloid or water color paper pager and trimmed with lace and ribbon After all the very ery nicest Christmas card It one can afford It and II I near enough to the tho ono one to bo be remembered for Cor the contents content to reach him or her herin In good gooI condition Is a box of with Ith the card of the giver siver nut flut at Christmas time when florists tare are haughty and prices are high it is o out t tot ot of the question for fer folks folka In moderate circumstances to go about adorning the boudoirs ot of their friends with Ith fresh blossoms ETHEL |