Show OTES ons A game vas played yesterday be between between tween the Wasatch school eleven eleen and the Youn Young Nationals The later latter beat the tue Cornier b by a a sore score ot of 6 5 to O 0 OI I It I Is within the lie Ingo range ot of possIbIlities that a game gamo wi will be played between the 1 1 d I C A and the Carlisle Indian team when the later latter arrive en route to the coast S C The he Colorado teams failed to come up to th the scratch ant and Manager Lenard Leonard or of orthe the Ih High Schol School tl team has coll called the lie Colorado trip or oft S I S lost Tuesday the lie pigskin Will was rough Ii h handle handled b by Duckel Bookers and the I Lwell owell But the tho were were too many for tor th the Tigers Tiger an and It was 1 0 a ca case ot of G 5 to 0 nothing C S Judging from the claims m made to Manager r Leonard b by football team teams ot of Colorado there are arc nt at last tour four chun chani pon plea toms teams ot of that State Sute C CS Tent to 0 a Gooe goose c egg Is the score ot of the Gle gane between the Washington Juniors and the tho Lowell Juniors In to fa faor von or of at the tho former Thc They made two och each halt hal A run or of fit ty yards ads was 9 Ilde made b by LAle Smith Cham C ra ran sixty yards ON nn and Capt Pelt made three Io good t runs n one or of them leo yards tO SI Capt p F 0 Ang Angelh l ha has returned from Irom California le lie 68 that the now new bl cycle track at L Los Arele Areles Is 15 the finest In lie world I It II is swen en feet narrower and about eleven oleen feet longer than the Sai Salt Lake track Capt sas aas that It wu was found to cover the track with canvass In order to have hae night racel races R as Ih the dews ther there n are very vem The Tho following have hae In beun elected 1 by the Iho or of directors James nO er Lester Wal Vai Walck leek ck secretary and treasurer and I 1 manager CS Ten years carl ago the League of Amen Amerl cnn can Wh Wheelmen had hod 10 members member I It now non has nealy nearly ant end there Is 18 oer every indication ft of n a large luge In rea over Oer this number next year yearS ur S desiring to Join the Lague League should make application to 10 Abbott line sctt secretary n ton Mass Mus |