Show P eer eerT T r i it e t 1 lam r e 41 tAI s Mlle Fin FIfi two things jr kh ftP had bee al J c u J bran n d debatable ques brio Jr fir nit as day on one teas beam ministers declare that cutain M ds people lo loJ W ts a place young oung J be anal from the other americans advocate the tho d many ot of lit of a government censor ure ud u us they prey have havo In Great tn both bolh these so eo rJ F that there re and added nothing whatever to be the who claim that fane C evil and that theater la 15 a br breeder Ner of i tai goad d un tan Como COlli out of It are I but plays like FIn Fla lend to tJ th their lr belli n Ih Ii much othe othes s I sat ct b to take up tho II z in 10 of the theater ts is for tor tat staggered It C our stage fur oleo than ouch playa play t l I td d there could be no FIt Fla la IS altogether bad tell tea with every Intent to appeal to DI and doubly with humorous aid it II i It t and lid Ing b capable or ar III It Is that I a play so soI tb uble entendre or of sit jt I that even eN made men blush and retches wore simply shock Jh uld nt h have ve aroused d stronger cotton from the Areas oJ of this city U ii nie ln FUa corms to have done mere M let us have a censor for tor forIt The or of old used to It v If of r strangling every new r 12 Infant that threatened to be sad ld It If wo we could have gevas c stern presiding at of plays whoso whose duty duly It would b without ceremony every cery o I wt such marks of vie Ic o ln s SS and ad as Fla bears bearl b be world would be better oft off the tare stage would escape much of the that IS now Justly leveled at ata a the most substantial successes ses cs In II a dramatic WilY way is III isger ger Jab Lilts production of p play In Old Kentucky the band stand occupied b by the th ninny brass band of young the judges occupying their elaborate box and the mUltitude ot of always to bo be found at t n a race track The Pad ad dock Is also shown with the tho horses jockeys Jockey touts and oilier othor attendants tho the mount and the tho theother other bits of business common to such places t S s I le lei led i 1 d 0 MAYO O y j 1 t M I I IA A A t 1 I S u h 1 t fir F A I SCENE FRO FRON IN OLD I KENTUCKY EST again to the theatre Mon r al u Writ bt II t III a its lIS s year rear and ap U t u II I r g In popular favor liS as r 1 kt t id Lit hog hi with lIh excellent judge Judg i r re the to II et tt a The original cOIn comb f Ta oJ ar i Nr here the RI end the band J ot pictures of South tUe raI the tho fancy tancy of i as tn II play hM has b been en pro pre II If Is a to 11 dramatic i spectacle rat end a complete no new kt t r ey has been gotten cotten up eh J lane y ur of the tho leading sluts Iral of W York were en u on preparing the theof A of the tho famous Lex t a tr x Ie Is shown hown with the tho dated Itt d rJ a d with nl frt Ih the Ii I crying coing the tho Ud the people to invest H 1 1 1 J I I J J J J J Wilson comes on Its third visit to Salt Lake the latter latler part lIart of next week The company compan is III almost the same as when It was last seen here the tho main change chang being that Mrs Edwin Mayo Iao Is now playIng Ada Dwyer and Eleanor Montle role of noxy dr Campau II still 1111 th the Tom and Mr Mayo Is the a part partIn In which he resembles so much his hll lu ls father as aa to bi be startling The engagement opens Thursday a A Stranger In New York Is no nostra stra stranger llor in Ie Salt falt lie Us was seen hero here at the theatre last year and now he comes back and Is II to play lit at the thel l priced price house hugh and Viola Pratt are playing the piece on the other sIde or of the globe but the only company In America nt at the pres present eat ent time la Is t that nt which comes horv Mon Monda Monday da day As everyone remembers tI the I J I J I 1 I J J I 1 J I J 1 J 1 a aa aN ar L I b a N I r f fr r J JI Jg g I I HATTIE flATTIE AND TilE TIIE STR STRANGER IS IN A STRANGER IN NE NEW YORK O scenes are laid In New York In what Is known ns as the thu Tend district rhe fhe drat nt net act shows the ladies parlor arlor In Inthe Inthe the Huffman hou house e nail the last act represents a room In the tho tower of the Madison Square garden ganten New York lurk on the tho night of the famous l French ball This scene has been most favorably commented all as a wonderfully clever piece or of stage device delce showing as It does the three working elevators a a aAn An illustrated lecture on the tho Philip Philippines Philippines pines Is to be bA given at the tho Grand Orand Sun fun funda Sunday da day night by CaptaIn HarT harry I L Wells What has hili our army In the Philippines really accomplished how has It been i a 1 r A CAPTAIN ELlS LECTURER done dono and what Is the outlook for the tho future art are all QUestions the tho people wont want answered and they want to know that the answer ler Is true These Thee are Just the things Captain Harry L Wells tells them In his Illustrated lecture Ile Ho trade a national reputation for tolling telling the truth about the war when he was ns the correspondent of the New York YorkI I Post and he le 18 now fully rully sun SUI taming It on the lecture platform lie He went to the Islands with the fir first t ex expedition and served sred there 1 a whole year car being at the tho front In command of II a company of the famous Oregon regi regiment mont ment during the entire spring caIn What he tolls tells Is from his own personal experience and observation and his reputation as a writer assures Its value alue |