Show I L LOF OF VENOM I AND A ND Statement Issued by the tho i i Anti Roberts lobby N DISTORT FACTS k b ti PoInts They Make right light Misstatements BITTERNESS OF GALL 1 Viall and Her br or Cau t C Cud cud ud gloa Dec SAn 8 An answer r to tou u II MIlum II If Hobert Address to tott toti tt ti n people seas today 11 a representing the Gen Oen et In who are here lIere to tot t The answer Is as ashI J this hI mornings papers papera Mr Ir Rob ru fJ ruka as an appeal for tor sympathy In ere are many statements n needing while many facts are sup 1 p yr Robots claims that the prece att 8 e b by his exclusIon Is both new That It Is not new Will was shown by Mr Taylor Tayler In InI Ina I a atle I legal al argument before the tho thoI I E Ease tad and not a single precedent to toa a contrary was died where the of t objection was Is the precedent dangerous Ika ter a prima fade facie case Is made a s citizenship show t fist It anger a for tor felony i the hI laws las of the United States aJ disfranchised and further that 1 of his present maintenance f at status tatu of a polygamist he Is from cIvil un der the Edmunds antl polygamy net such a member re I oven to den the tho charge should to 00 excluded Nor Is II this dangerous for It la Is not likely as Mr seems to assume an entire m or all the th rep ret of a 11 large large Stata Stalo are are com com Ing to Congress carrying such luch a bur den In other States Slates m men n who flaunt their violations of the tho laws s of decency In the fa taco co of the pUblic ate are sent Bent to the penitentiary It I Is only In Utah Uth where such Indecency ever added to one ones eligibilitY and s rv d as n a tion to political preferment Mr contention that no evidence of his guilt can be received except a Judicial record of his limn In Utah u as a matter of la law Is erroneous er I and as Il a matter of practice dangerous because Mr Roberts and his all And nd such conviction It If they con consider lder It worth while Mr that whatever Were his cIvil disabilities before State hood they w re removed by the lion of the Slate Constitution It If ot at the time ot of the tho of the Enabling Act Mr nobert was nil as he s seems ms In hi his appeal to admit disfranchised by net act of C and therefore not a full citizen ut of the UnIted States Slates as by the Constitution he mUst be to 0 become a member of COl re then ho he is II still In inthe the same lame because to tho ot of Utah quid not restore rei tore him to Federal citizenship and the Enabling Act did not do It The Enabling Act of Utah that or of sorry Mine other oth r Suttee required d citizenship of the United t l at as n 0 for tor voting and did not i confer that citizenship upon those then I Inot not such citizens Hence nence Mr I statement that 11 by Utah becoming Q a I State ho was as rehabilitated with tho rho wanting attributes ot of is unwarranted Mr tr Roberte frays hO he has not nol been convicted since Statehood It does not follow folio that he Is Innocent no He I Is now nowa t a fugitive from justice In Salt county on a chomo chargo ot of unlawful co cohabitation c habitation and In Davis count county Utah where resides ono one or of hI ble wives with her Illegitimate twins bolt bo 1 August 11 1897 and where a charge of adultery la a felony under the laws o Utah has been n for tor t two 10 months month pigeon pigeonholed pigeonholed holed b by II a Mormon pros prosecuting nw ne A AMr AMr Mr In hIs attempt to D tie his crimes S Insists that he It is ani only charged chanced with n a ml misdemeanor lit knows better lie know knowe hI he lieu been n under oath and before the proper prosecuting officers charged with the felony Mony of adultery ns fie well tI as the ml mis misdemeanor d demeanor of unlawful cohabitation Ile He as asserts ts that In 1889 hI he pleaded guilty to n a anI only and nice 1100 II says that It If h he were weN guilty lIty ot of the Fame acts In the tho J District of Columbia wn even Ila so that as a of Congress lf h he could not oot be arrested for or It 11 II is only onh a I misdemeanor Here again aln Mr Ir slates what Is not true rUe and aud he ought to know It Unlawful cohabitation under tM Edmunds Edmunde ort act under he plead d guilty was a felony tIon as also aIM Is 19 adultery with which Mr Ir Is 19 charged chame l In hr Davis Dals count county Utah mn the tho District bf Columbia both unlawful cohabitation and adultery ore are as th ha Utah statutes and It Is only Utah that the tho former to Is a misdemeanor or Theeo charges In vl view w of the tho Ed Edmunds munds and Edmund ruc tr 1 a ath of th the Un United lied Slates 9 dill In fare tor e war warrant rant Mr 11 exclusion They however I his It Ie not an Isolated CASe but ono onu represent nt alive or of U Many sentimental l people are being misled by Ur r very ery ingenious suggestions flour which some WIM Infer Ineer that he took his when It roe waB lawful to do eo This Is 19 a 6 mistake wa way n a erimo In Utah when Mr lilt Roberts wall wail torn and nt at the time of the tho of f the tho CUllom nn act Mr Ir Roberts was las only G 6 years of at a aIlls age Ills llie plea for sympathy 4 amounts anI only to this that he 1 be allo allowed to continuo his practices notwithstanding ho took toole hla polygamous wives Iry HI ot of otla law la We demand that ho he should support his families but also demand that hit shall hall the begetting ot of further 1 Ili legitimate Add this Is our only lone bonC of the only thing demanded which lie ho ref uses to yield In this matter we disclaim any de desire sire to have him declared Ineligible be becaUse because caUse he Is Q a Mormon lormon but solely be because because cause ho Is 18 violating and defying thu hIJ laws or of our State of the United Stat Slates and of at common decency E Ex Con Congressman W It H King watt and Is n a Mormon and no cl claim lm or of lri in ineligibility eligibility was wae ever made against hIm Wo We point to this fact os as showing that we oppose Mr Roberts oJ s not upon the around of an any religious opinions enter tanned by him but because of grim Inal Neither Is III this R n mat matr matter ter r or of I or political persecution or prejudices The undersigned Include men or of different churches men who belong to no church who are oro n lie and those who tho are Demo craft Mr Roberts denies and we assert that the compact compart b between een Utah and the theother theother other States Stales hu has been violated t that at compact was las evidenced by many public acts as follows the manifesto of the Mor Mormon mon Church In 1690 whIch by theIr oath to the thc continuance of po oath to the continuance of po relations as well as the con contracting or of new marriages i the Utah Legislature which In 1892 made malle unlawful lion as well as polygamy crimes crIme agaInst the Territory the solemn pledges 8 of the Apostles of thIs alleged 1 Church that these laws las would bo be obeyed and ond en enforced enforced forced which pled pledge go was made In a petition to the President praying for a 0 general amnesty proclamation the thc declarations made by prominent of at Utah before the Congressional committee having the Enabling Act under consideration where also the foregoing evidences anti and statements were used to 10 secure State hood the tho de declaration In the Con Can of Utah that polygamous m mar marriages r shall be forever prohibited d the act of at the la In force torce the thc laws punishing unlawful ful ns as well as 8 polygamy of which Convention Mr r is was wasa a member ill AIL hero thero ImbUe acts Iho show ly that life llie compact includes Include the of Old polygamous relations as prevention of new ones oneil As evidence that thIs com compact compact pact has been b broken ken we point to the followIng In Utah Ulah 1600 Illegitimate children n have hLo been Ileen to polygamous wives hc since about t 2000 polygamous households now exist In Utah and that the che attempt to secure e ure a 0 punishment of at these thele offenders Is denounced b by the ms ma majority as al we 1 believe of citi citizens zen zens the circumstantial evl dence unmistakably points to the exist once ot of new In III polygamous households the most conspicuous cons ex examples amples of If whIch are aro the cues cases ot of Apes tIes Abram H 11 Cannon John W TnT Tay tor lor and Apostle TI In at bast the first of which the Church organ orRan of the dominAnt Church refuses to deny the marriage new Dew polygamous wife Is II employed as al a teacher In Q a aChurch Church academy the Very men who rho In Inter Interpreted ter the manifesto of oC 1890 1590 to pro with prior acquired wives Ic no note publicly justify Its continuance mast of the same men who In a for tor amnesty ly pledged their peered tor the obedience of the la law by t their people are now lIy by example and pt encouraging the tho commIssion of crIme of unlawful coha cohabitation lion a 6 further h er evIdence of thIs bad faith we call to the fact that the men Inen holding high Church hurch of offices flees have hae pleaded guilty to the crime or of unlawful cohabitation before the tho State Stale courts courtl without having their Church standing arre affected ted fen even ii 11 soma cases havIng their fines paid by sym sm sympathetic pathetic friends this s by necessary Implication a 0 majority of people In th the election or of ham n II Roberts RobertI who durIng his hll cam campaign for tor election w s publicly charged with being a ot of the laws lawI os as evidenced by his hll illegitimate progeny and In spite of thel charges chargee he was elected by an overwhelmIng mn ma majority That Mr Ir Roberts himself understood that compact to mean the Ule discontinuance ance ot of unlawful cohabitation we pOint to his registration oath of at 1896 In which he swore It to be his Intention to o obey y the Ibe law prohibiting unlawful cohabitation tion T 1 C ILIFF Salt 0 W ManU Manly Utah C M OWEN Salt Lake J M II COOMES COOMBS Brigham City Utah A T Salt Lake |