Show WJ taken nt at G 6 a m Moun thin time Salt City lU cur current tnt rent rJ 9 maximum temper temperature zo 10 minimum 21 11 mean menn temperature 3 32 which Is Ii 1 below normal Accumulated ot of tempera temperature ture sInce Wet ot of month 16 Accumulated de ot of tempera temperature ture tur Jt j t 75 Total tram from 6 I a tn m to G 6 GA A m 01 Inches Accumulated deficiency ot of precipitation lion tion first oC month I 12 Inches Accumulated ot of precipitation sInce January 1st 3 Inches G 6 1 31 SUNDAY BUNDA i AlOU TAIN TIME Local forecast for tor Silt City ald ad tomorrow and Sunday station stationary ary temperature Forecast mode lit ci Son San Francisco for and Sunday temperature CONDITIONS A trough ot of low pressure extends from Manitoba N to the barometer reading lowest over Jon Inn In SaL The crest cret ot of on nn art arett ot of high pressure lies over oer Oregon and Nevada has hIlS fallen tallen along th the coast COUlt north of San over oer the north northera era rn unI middle Plateau region lInne sota Wisconsin nail the tho be between between tween the tho Rocky HockY mountains and the river of South Di DA DAkota iota kota Cedar City reports Ii 5 Inches ot of snow EnOW with ti 11 temperature of 14 11 degrees degroo It Is warmer over oer Colorado Wyoming the lower Missouri and upper sippi Valleys aile L 14 II Section Director |