Show nw I laid Jold sail 1111 Capper Cam Ian 1507 Articles of of at the Lom Lombard t ON bard Gold Galt and Copper Mining Corn Com Compan pony pan were filed today In th the of nt the count county clerk The stock Is II placed ot nt divided Into shares hares ot of the par value ot of 10 cents each The Incorporators are Z I Morris John p Morris Andrew Petersen V VI VP I P Wells Well Daniel Kant Kane and ond Ernest Greene Oreene l Mr lr Nephi 1 Morris Is named Is president John p Morris Morrl vice Ice dent and V p Wells secretary and treasurer The These with Andrew Peter Pater Petersen sen and D U II Jr constitute the bonN board ot of directors The property consists ot of live claims located near the West Mountain Placer Pincer In are arc already being carried on for tor the sale Qt of the treasury stock to oolite eastern parties It ItIs Itis Is tho Intention to be begin ln active de development work shortly |