Show SOUi The Thc Unwarrantable course pursued by byth bythe th the house of In the case coso ot of the Congressman from Utah wll stir up lovers or of their country anti and Its III to perceive the danger will till como from breaking down those safeguards to lIberty mind and equal lIal rIghts PreSIded by the tho Constitution hion betor the tho vote ote was taken In favor of an unprecedented and method to gratIfy POPular clamor thoughtful persons and papers perceived the wrong rong Intended and raised their agaInst It There Thero were man many too who perceived the tho hypocrisy displayed In the pretence of at high morality on the part of at some who IM raIsed the outer outcry against the Mor Mormon mon men Among mon the papers which have tAken yc ct strong grounds against the Injustice and Illegality ot of the tho pro proceedings In this case Is the New York World We Wc have haj already published some ot of Its utterances on this question and we here append a tow few snore more also abo some Mme letters letter published b by th that t In relation to the Iho subject So tar tur nil as polygamy as an n nIs Is 18 concerned rio no one eared cared to think about the lie matter could possIbly rtIn regard It as a to lIme American home borne The Aryan Annn was Ill monogamous when It come out ot at the darkness Into the tho light ot of hIs hIstory to Ii It has remained monogamous It I Is not likely that nt at thIs late Into day when races are turnIng to monogamy It will take up wIth It refused to adopt from Its neighbors In Its infancy Jt If Roberts is III a 11 of the tho code cod or of socIal why do not those whom he has offended take hInt hIm to court secure hIs convIction with Its penalties of oC loss Iou of the privileges s of cItizenshIp amid then lay before lie tha House Houe a tact fact of whIch the House lies has the constitutIonal right to tact fact that lint he Is legally con constitutionally J nt It to tl be lien sensible sible order orderlY lY iv and low t If ft a of f i cia lis unities or cant and hypocrisy hypo Is under What would be the proper educe thc live or to the conduct con conduct duct ot of n a Congress which would re refuse fuse tuso to exercise its It constitutional right Investigate and charges Ih that t 1 a member had 1 huM hIli sCat b by brIber antI ami corruption rind would to Ins myra charges agaInst another member In no way WAr the legality of his title to his seat or his constitutional standing To the l of the World Suppose esUs or of Nazareth were ere Sn In Congress and saId to the tho mem members as asto to 10 th the Roberts case os as Re He once rUd to toB toa B a not less leas pharIsaical Let hIm that is without sin amongst you OU cast the th first lies the authority of oC the GreAt Teach Cr r lost Its Hs hold upon mankind New Ness York Ie Dee 2 O 0 D B M t tTo To the Editor ot of the Worlds II n II in In 1 ii 41 r th nob cri erts h has 6 committed ni n tl it here it l is there then that he should be tried for Cor the offense What has Congress to do wIth sith the mat matter mattar tar ter LA WiEn Ne Non York D Dec c 3 To the Editor of the World Wh Why should such a tirade be made maae agaInst Ca Although not In of oC polygamy I 1 cannot the tho between this man who hat has two wives and on one homo or the Iho m man rt who hall hair ono one wIfe Q a mJe mis mistress tress treN and two tO tact fact both are wrong but Is 19 not the first one to be commended lie He Is III frank and Ind open wIth his hIli life while the other Is a sneak and anda a coward Investigating would II ft not be just a well 11 to some ot at the other whose private lives In not bear the ot of a very vOry dIm searchlight oen cen 11 hall hail to Susan U II Anthony for tor tier her able words on the subject Wh What II the quotation about casting out th the mote In th thy brothers cye C p n Ii Now New York Dee Dec 1 The Chicago says ars on the tho constitutional question involved i iThe The consensus ot of congressional I loti favors the plan to permit i ithe the Utah representative to ta take the oath of offiCe ne and hl tile scat Eilt In the tho House louro for tor the tho reason that t neither the con of his election nor 1101 tho ho oC if his credentIal Is 19 chat longed After Aller hI be 1 is sworn In the tho flUes tion I is as to the State ot of Utah Ulah I has haR Its federal compact the Ihl UnIted In the En Art Act b by admitted as asa n a br to the tho un sin lIonal or of This is 1 n it matter for C r investigatIon by byI bythe I tM the Ious committee on elections or b ba by byA a special committee appointed for tor that It If his commIttee f fN ci N ul ot of the rahlin Act to Iho conclusion th II a ot of the language or of the tho fUt act makes th the contInuance In m pe as unlawful as the tha ing r f n nw w plural marriages etI It will be bethe i the duty dut o at the th to report In favor ot of his expulsion i To 10 the tho Editor ot of The World Absolutely no newspaper In the Uni United ted Stal States has hall presented the ru cuic so 0 fairly so Intelligently rind and so C no at has hal The rhe World It II I is not the funion of Congress to topa tope pe pa upon this mans morality All that h has to 10 do III I to decIde whether or em not he his has the required of at 1 ii and nd whether or not he be hu has been duly elected Beyond that In tire the ot of any of rime Congress hu has moro more right to 10 Inquire ihan it II has to explore Ih the private life lito 0 of any other II 1 Id n as 1 a and a large number ot cit C n rh men would for reasons t th lr own 01 such Inquiry as Impertinent I II 11 lt 1 Uli Dec L I Under the caption A Dangerous Pre Prec c cadent the New York World ot of Dee Dec Deci 5 i sn s sIf It If is II guilty of the tho crime charged the PIneo to try Iry him under the constitution Is In It If proved guilty he can be and should bo be expelled There Is xio no sympathy or toleration where In the United States Slates fur for the twin or of barbarism m But Dut to deny den hlll him a lI seat at upon allegations and ana to tr try hIm before a 0 ot of the house Is unlawful anti ond unjust The Tho Chicago remarks In d deciding the Roberts cue case the house went so eo tar far as 1111 to Ignore n a thor thoroughlY thoroughly established pr precedent In defer once to a public sentiment that was Vas ex In iii numerous petitions And by numerous persons person I and associations In InaM aM out ot of Its lis action was WIlS clearly without technical defense The Tue Chicago a OS says Congress I is following the program agreed upon Ill as regards Roberts To Todo Todo do thIs It was wall necessary to violate the letter or the spirit ot of the Constitution Ill as regards the seating of at B a delegate up upon upon on hI his credentials the dilemma Congress took the first horn |