Show An n Important Test lest Your Life May be Prolonged by Applying Appling It ii Do realize the importance of the Kidney ant and Bladder when diseased they ther make IL a lot of down the tho system and create gravel grael stone In inthe th the Bladder Wom n often otten suffer from female weakness when their trouble really lies with the and Bladder Try thIs test Put some urine In a tumbler Let Ld It stand hours Jt If there thero Is alIe a sediment A loud loudy or milky appearance your our are pick lick If IC you are aro oblIged to urinate often otten especially during the nIght It If your our urine stAins linen it If you OU hi have 0 scalding pains In asing it II It your our back raIns pains you ou your anti and Mid are you 00 should at once mice the greatest of all Kidney m moth I Dr David Kenned Kennedys Favorite Remedy It has cured tile the racist dill dis cues calell It will curt cure you youIt ou Jt It corrects the bad of beer or orI I whisky whisk will cure old and chronic cases Call of an anti and acts neta gently yet ct promptlY on tue tho Pa Fa voi ortle Is old for one dollar a bottle at all drug stores You ma may have hao a 4 trial of Pa Fa nem with n a pamphlet of valuable medical advice tnt sent tree by mail post by sending fending your address to the tho Dr l avld Kenned Corporation Rondout N Y and mentIoning tM this paper The Tho proprIetors of at this peper guarantee the tho ot of this liberal offer 1 The cheery Christmas 1 of the Young Journal I is replete with interest It open with s a romance founded on an historic incident of oC nn an dent clent America and I ii illustrated with tasteful drawings Other features sep IP to tM the festive tire ore the Christmas Church Services ot of the tho I Twelfth Century One OM Christmas Me a quizzical al story ot of pioneer life td b by pen nail and Ink a 0 I suggestive editorial on gifts land and ideals Ideal end and ft A Christmas poem ot 01 genuine feeling nd appealing grace crace which has hili n a loVely executed by n a artist ortt Ue lIe with Ie Is II It a hymn Intense In expression and rul UI In fervent thought The Spirit ot at the che Lord lon and that of the Gospel is II a good o Gospel I article EattY flay Day Art ArtIn Artin In Utah and ond The lam Ism of Frederick the Great art are aach entertaining nM and Womans Lake CIty Price I IU U It it ear General Agents DA DAYNES YNES MUSIC CO 74 Main Street I I I J J r f J c J tJ i e J 1 r 4 I J r l lr lr lr r I tI t lJ J lJ L J r t a C THIS WEEK WE ARE r ABOUT L J Steel Cut Glass Olas Chum Chinn Sto Stoves Is Oil l Fancy r to Pots Cr Ware e I lug Sets Salad sitU II f Milt Sets tl Can Call Cano Pocket ScIssors I J o 0 I Jno OU time Ch Sets Ses Sew ew Skates for I Salt Lake Lako LakeI I r dren who on n a S s runner Ik kaIe t I City hail Etc Ete J We can ou lilt fino GOodE on an w r fico nl 11 Scott Strevell Hardware Co J JI r I MAUI MAIN SCOTTS OLD STORE S J rr m M Ilm CARD W IN U 15 18 Ogin St Lout Loul City md Pincer SI a 5 m 1110 From Ogden I Froin Milford In inter intermedIate r medIate point OSS as a JD in From Froll Chicago St LuI Loul CSOp Us ansi and Tr mInus mine p JD mm an ant 1 em p in 1110 Ven Preiton J fan anti to pm p in Ogden liotto San and olD p in 1110 Jj 11 II T sever genies City St Louis LolI 1 Cacho all iou 10 1 paints TOO L a in III For Meeter pad iu I a JD in Beadi Tousle end Term mu tU TotS I III For Ogden unIte hums and aDd ma for OZI O Omelia laha go Ii an Louis and ate 80 Fran frao cite Jd Milford and Inlet point Po p Jd For I Kansas Oily Omaha St end and Gin p in III For Ogden Francisco 1 t l e aln p ma JD Train south ci Juab do no ao run rua t accept Sunda CITY M Yest Sooth street 8 5 w Dr DP DUnLEY OD Oct Trao oiz I sod TA TAW L Lw W II sod and Manager THE THEl l PEOPLES i FAVORITE LEAVE SALT GALT LAKE No Fait a t Mall III for tor St BL it I LouIe Rinsa c n I If Park City 7 1 00 a 11 m in mI I No fa 1111 Overland Limited for tHo St Rt it omaha anlu tT and ond 43 Io a m in ml into l to o for tor Chicago tt 81 Lo Lodi h Omaha and G C 40 p I m in SALT LAKE The Tho 1118 Mail 1111 from 0 IH loul if amas Oily tend larl City 1111 3 00 pm p in inco co nd o St SI LouIs Omaha awl and 3 s 00 p m en mNo enZa Za No Es from Chicago St 11 0 Louis Omaha City lIaa mend I f yur 3 33 R a m In OIT ITI Xo Na JI l Main St at o II M ld CrA General Agent geat elul f I lIM 1 l LEAVE SALT LAKE LAIC No Prom Grand and aDd all au points ln t S 15 pm p in inNa No Na Grand Junction 1111 Inta 8 p m in mNo ino No o Si haiti and II m No o f Ju Eureka ii iiii r and all intermediate n 5 points rull i the W West St fJ II e g go p in inNo No o 1 r a and the Ibo West t 9 0 43 II a fit en enrio rio lIo elor lark City a is m in mNo No Iio tor Odea intermediate wt Vest U 1301 Olp p ma In ARRiVe ARRIVI SALT SAiT tAKE LAKE CITTI rio io Grand JureC tiun lad tho East SO Io ma In maNo No 0 Grand Juno Junc lion And a 63 II m Ito 0 rom lung Sane Eureka Mantl and Intermediate sn t rr mints J on c Ogden dc and the Wint tt 2 Oi f in ro 0 P den and the thu W t 7 3 II i In inno no 0 rom acU paints Wel ot a fit No fa Irom II Ir er intermediate 10 ro m rio to 4 I Park ark City Olty S 6 4 13 p II ma m 1111 IC INt rAil CM OICE E OIt Second coD aU Street curner Short and an Popular souls R It 0 W points and Ludville Colorado Spring s and with cli W I it i DONELL Agent Salt La uk y yONLY TIiE jONLY ONLY LINE LINEn n Reaching the famous lot Hot Springs Ark ArkI the Iho Carlsbad of AmerIca Also dJ dI dIrect I route to CO KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS anti alt all points point EDIt East For II et ete address E J LYNN II D 33 T I A C F P L Salt Lake City Utah U II C TOWNSEND O 0 1 P and T A ASt ASI St SI Louis Loul Mo rOo TilE DENVER RIO ORANDE RR HR Scenic Lino of the tho World The TIlo only having three daily F Fast t Trains and Dining Care Cans Le be between tween Grand Jun Junction and Denver Thi Thiis I is the popular route rout to L Crip pie pItt Creek Cicek Denver ner and all points IfIll t S K hOOFER G a P 6 p F A Denver Cole Colo ColoD D 13 F NEVINS n II M I CUSHING Agent Tray Tra Pass 1081 Salt Baa Lake Lako City Utah Ulab PD I A g LINE I TO THE EAST VIA 13 I Id d i KANSAS CITY tA AND C ii I CA 00 For Passengers or Freight Freigh L I L I Vail Lake City r F A N NAOH AGH OU Witless nt 1555 I I q e J THAO TRAINS TO ST LOUIS TWI Tw ot of the Iho day dllY In the l t ay y yIng lag Ing Denver Vener tit at p 1 other at v p m The rho 10 train has hils a sleeping and B a oar and for the tho lint first days journey out ot of DenVer Denel n a hand come Jome ear Ar Arrives rives St Louis 7 1 p in hi do day otter after leav lag Ins Denver The 00 p m in train also aleo hiss through steeping and chair cars care Sleeper tuns runs 11 and lri in 1 it hayo havo all me meals but one In n a din tag car Tickets at of at connectIng linel Ticket Office m s 5 W 1 Tempe Street W ty P j McMILLAN GenerAl As Agent nt Salt Lake City n It F Tray Pass FItS bt Agent gent 0 from Rd Rids wy way IQ a ii RIco Mancos U la Plats 1 1 Dur Durango up the tho moct sc D r In thu and nad 10 the tho famous nail silver ot of 10 n hi hind Ug nd and nud t anI this lIe led and thu tho great lurid tura regIon ot of the 1110 Utter This lIne bring tourist within OMi ride of at the tho wonderful homes or of thu ho alia J In connection wIth the and It format the tho onto AU ALT HAIL TilE lm Eo E T OMAHA nest Best Ining Car ELEGANT Chair Gars Cars Free Freema t TWO ma FAST TRAINS DAilY Direct Route to Chicago CHIcA Go PACIFIC AND NORTH LINE LIlE NO ATO change of cars Faster than an any other route II The Overland Limited equipped with Palace Cars Car and Dining Ca Cars meals I a la a carte leaves Salt Sail Lake at nery morning train Iraln has Buffet Smoking and Library Cars Car with ith barber barbu and Frt Reclining Chair Cars The Atlantic Express lents Salt Lake nery at p m in For tickets and lion apply So 10 ticket agents or ad dress C A Walker Grim Agent Chi CM Chicago cago NorthWestern Il Ry S aln St 1 Salt Lake City L 1 r t tH H SOAP f For Sanative Uses Its Irs remarkable emollient t pad nd tr properties lie from its grest sUn CUt cure 1 warrant lbs we 1110 ot of Sofi Ia tho rem of tor annor In ing asil for t tao O Otreo free treo or 1 and tlonA anti and forman nU IlIr width hid readily suggest to sed to CO mothers T Tue e we ot 0 tu SOU iDelt In Inthe the be rAtes 4 P n ns C Cot 1110 I |