Show BRITISH WIN VIN VINAT AT lADYSMITH i iD D Door or head LI Fri Frida FrIday da day Dc Dec British hao storma anti and carrIed the tho hut at putting 1 a bl bIg Creusot gun iun und and one out ot acton action am capturing n a small mol Maximum London Dec Dec A special dispatch tron front Pretoria dated Dec S 8 18 says three thousand British troupe troup preceded by In an armored train or are advancing on Cole Colee Coleburg burg from While so 0 tar far al atm time the actual BritIsh ad adVance vance la is this thle mornIng mornings die pac patches s show Ule ittie cloa change Ill hI th the alt ut the the aut from the tho announcement that and cavalry hlO have reached General Moth uel and that General Butler uler ha has ro ie cehe the heavy artillery for Cor which ho WIS Walling that tho advance wi will no longer be delayed ot of important batles battles b by both generals I expected soon loon Time The fact tac h ha has or ordered tiered dered 0 trot from Pieter leter to assIst the tho re ular am ambulance ambulance corps indicates that lie he antici sharp harp fighting The latest pIgeon from furnished General huller with on an Irn map sent Hent by White presumably showIng the dispositIon ot of the loer hoer Core forces and the vulnerable points The h at Frere Camp have e edo do done no a 1001 good weeks work In lag the trestle brIdge 20 feet teet and ami In an armored train Is now repairing rime tho lne hino In the neIghborhood ot of The Tho news new from Colon Colony Is not from frum the BrItIsh pint poInt ot of otIe view Ie Somi Some smal small out outpost t skirmishes have huo occurred at varIous arlous points and nt at a quantity or of rifles and ammunition includIng dumdum bullets and MartinIs belonging to disloyal Dutch Dutrh haw ben been seized The from Stromberg In indicate that the tho D Boors I polton position Is IB strong Reports rhe received at Capetown from sa say C cv hal has bon been compell compelled to do mi mill tory tary dut includIng Mr Ir Frazer the tho or of time the The Free r Stators It Is alleged have decided not to defend as asit It pm IR not fortified but to make mako a stand at tom southwest ot of SpecIal reports Slen mind Is According to from Lady excursions are aro running week weekly I from Pretoria bringing numbers ot of gaily attired hutch butch Women who take tako takoU U up poInts or of vantage un on the tho hi hills and closely town tOn scan the proceedings In the tho Is s sending General Gurko of th the general staff as at the hed head IQ r rA A siege train was shipped to South Africa toay today from Southampton hire Ln husband Mr Hugo Oem Gerald III do de saIls ls for tor South Arl c ca D December on Mrs Irs Langtry d declares that It if she had hadnot hadnot not made al all her American arrange meats she go to too II In the tho capacity ot of Ilee or The war duos hits received d the tot Col dispatch from General Jore Fores H r the British commander lt at Capetown The ho Fre Free State government reports that there are prisoners at including Leut Tris iram ot of time the twelfth lancers lancer who I is severely wounded for lor Washington Dod De 9 department of oC agriculture wIl vIll begin Is Its ton ot of seeds a little erler earlier this thle year titan than last shipping bl thorn them south the 0 be beginning gInnIng of at January anti and perhaps send leg a hw few Ih ty before Coro time first arat This year or the tho f seeds 1 for to ni all parts rl or of th the country wi will consist ot of 13 00 packets or of vegetable seeds seed 1 lawn sO grass ot of fower hewer seedS ne seeds besIdes feld field and |