Show There Ii 15 today a crying need or of a ret ref In the or of the body The basis basla ot of this reformation It is to be round found In the thesis or of B Dr R V Fierce II Di Diu u eases which in III the stomach must mut be cured through the thc stomach II In the thirty odd years yem of oC Dr experience III as chief consulting physician I to 10 the Invalids II Hotel and Surgical U Institute In l lN f N V he be has more than thua Jia half If a 71 million with witha l a record people of a II ninety nety In Z b tight curel cua nery eveC i hundred bundred fl I held beld by Dr PIer that the stomach is Ib t the 11 e ch chief leC breeding place of II borne out by the tho success or of hi his treatment which It is t C primarily to the stomach end Ind other organs UI of n naud and aud nutrition No other medicine lets so eo powerfully and aad II as perfectly on ca cathe the stomach and other organ of oC dl di and All as Dr Pierce Golden Men sad Iud women tJ a with I of DC breath heart di suffocation spots pots before rore the eyes liver lIer pains If and aDd similar aliment ailment been and perfectly ClUed by the use of Golea Medical ry Thomas A or of C edum bu rJ wry lick liok willa then thell asmo la in the Ille lad sed III may food 1004 n t digest dieM lilt Ur liver end y b iut tk ot 10 ft 1 COlItIS At had ill 11 t it at once sacS I aoe to 10 tile the doe doc tillS Ita I ey vo do 40 m III la 1 bet the snore i the Ole wone I got CoC tW tit U I II ad become to I IC C I walk in the I beus y tile the a aol Si I Irot rot so 10 this x ku II r e I e CUM SeW one 0 A hb mJ ado m eke set IDd r k kaad tad aad isak I a sew nr sea oua of tte ne er bottI helped td me ja AtT z I til had tit lid ad tad II 1 UI dose aa Kept wo JD a tb the t en months tha Idid te I beo be km isa 4 I sin II I sad IS d aee ilk Ulle dyl re Dr Dc iIma VI TC t o Li Dont beat l the of tile the washboard an any longer caused it enough dani m mage age and and trouble and weariness Do you realize the of wear a and andI d dI I I that it brings to your clothes lii liia I a single year Get I rid of the washboard and that eternal J t lJ rubbing Be Dea a free woman ornan i ott Oll 3 s I ought to I see for yourself that P Pearl car carr 1 p r ines easy casy way of I d It I J I h ing boiling better lot for f 14 I l j J I the and better for you cs s Dress floods Attractions THAT NII NIED NO WORDS OF Pit IH TO 10 THEM POPULAR WHAT WE OIl EH TillS BLACK BROCADES STORM STOR I SERGES In Na blues Ind black smooth or I tOo Oc goods 40 o Inches wide wille ox best G wide black macall neat II a yard rd a 11 English alue I 25 o yard BLACK FRENCH SERGE HOME Yer Very fine Twill blue black warrant ed eu alt wool n IS Inches wide good value 52 indies wide in tan gy anti at n a yard urd brown value l Se salo a yard ard UNDERWEAR COLD COLI COMFORTS FOIl FOn WOMEN AND ND IN WELL WELLI MADE FOIl Fon TIllS WEE I hERD IlEnE AnEA FEW LARS LAns Ladles extra fine natural gray not fiat Ladies tine fine silk anti wool mix mixed ell lambs Iambs wool ests estl and Pants Ponts the French ribbed Underwear high neck best belt Ladles Under and short sleeves warranted non wear made sizes r 3 to U 41 regular shrinking This in 18 ap an tine lIne grade our price each In cream or natural gray ern all aJl sizes SpecIal this week at Childrens Jersey tine fine wool arid and cotton Otton mixed Union Suits Suit In the 61 II ott Same style and nud quality to In highs high neck style nil all sties sizes size I 1 worth anil long sleeves nil sizes Special this nt it week eek ot at SI 1 45 me rise each ize extra size Vests and Pants In Childrens Cashmere Cashmore Merino Merina heavy fleeced sizes alzua 7 1 to 9 14 grand ribbed ests and Pants In natural value ulue at the very lIry best and nicest Under wear ever shown In this market give Ithe It n a trial once and you OU will never buy Ladles gro gray Jersey ribbed fleeced any other style sizes 16 to 31 Size Vests anti Pants extra heavy hooy bet best ISo Ig 15 at grade for tor this week yeek special alt all sizes at Go Ce rIse each ench size alze BROADCLOTHS Color assortment again complete Our halest latell shipment has hils arrived Wo We offer this week two lines ot of Imported Broadcloth full tull line of colors oleo also lacks Blacks which with will favorably compare with any cloth sold Bold for tor 13 moro more Our price and Per Yard By Special Arrangement With the ParisIan Steam Dye Do Works 45 S West Tem Temple le Street wo we will sponge sail refinish every yard ord ot of Broadcloth during this a sale lo free treo of charge to 10 our patrons Utah Co 31 W 39 a OIO Mowers Osborne Self Dump takes Rakes Self Hand Dump s Oil Axle Ade Grease Elegant FashIonable Vehicles and Harness Agricultural Implements RITE fO PRICES KEEP MONEY AT HOME By with th HOME FIRE e OF UTAH J it GRANT CON co General Agents r l II N hILLS unla President 1 L s j MOSES u I U lip S DEPOSITORY DESERET 1 NATIONAL l DANE K KS S sAir tT LARD CiTY UTAH CAPiTAL CAPITAL O Oil II DelIO t Boxes Boxel for The State Bank of Utah I SAIr fAK CITY J 1 i en M 1 IL Ir M 1 I So S 1 r J Orant lI I h Jo I Smith roo Thas ha S 0 Burton 1 P TI 1 forth I Wm U II Preston bUlo Da DaA A W Carison It In all Us its Arc cst S to tra 1 TH YIN IIAN K W Y W President nL Moses VIce A SmIth Cashier James Sharp kharn John n it John C ald A W VI Carllon nom It Winder D B II 11 Perry I F n lb t W tV I F James per por cent Interest vaid an 00 W l f BROS I SILV JAKE LAi hTMl Established A Banking d SAfETY DEPOSIT BOXES lOFt fOR RENT RENTI I WELLS f S GOS DANE SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Established s e Banking J E DOOlY Cas tt McCORNICK COMPY SALT LA CITY Ci F S 1173 I JONES J 8 CO I South Main Street Im l K J JE f W lI lIu u t tl Frank Petit Ue A Lowe Ed W IV Duncan In CAPITAL lArD IN flanking to tn III all Its lis dra 00 principal 31 cities ot of Europe on tune l n l PAIL rAIV IN flanking in 10 All AU Its Theodore Mover John J fish 0 J O 0 Fox roS W IV II George It hi A l P B Ii H 22 ST 1 OPPOSITE cOOP JUL TilE OLDEsT AND R G DUN CO tw ua c cOI OI onOE O Manager idaho and amid mice in Building Salt Lake Lako Vit City Utah J B ij Dental Parlors s St SL tint Nest Door North of Hocus log fOR f T TI Jo I l m o lI I Every Evory package of Maravilla Coylon Ten Tea lied Sell Seal Japan Tea Spines Extract Etc sold with Ith time the SEAL on Is 11 usa an absolute guarantee ot of The Tho ad solicitors are scow now In Salt S It Lake City and a 4 trIal order given thorn them will you the tho above statement Is true Fricke Co CoSan CoSan San CaL Bronchi ornel omea III IV South Sa J Sa tho L nil old tor Nm uses lie e Of this aim is list Induced parties 1 It one Unless I Is on the lId I tot It Oti no other TABLERS BUCK EYE PILE OINTMENT c u it mil fill k SURE and CURE known for US 5 years year a as the DES REMEDY EMEDY for SOLD o LD 11 BY I A 11 t H P a |