Show un CO T JOiNS nOm HI It 1 no flOW announced that ne flay Boni mm P F Do De Costa wIth the tho C time tie ago he created 1 a lI sensation by b the church because Dr t the tho famous critic was w given Elven fellowship thoro Ihre Dr Costa In hi his chango or faith says 18 hi he has no apology to orter Standing Ins In the mIdst ot of modern r reo systems topplinG to their tall fe felike like In the tho temple ot of arnn no define def need n be offered for tor accepting a firm and unshaken CA faith II lie de that the stands before the Ie pie lIe and Protestants everywhere as the U unique and defender ot of the ho DI DIble I ble hi In Its IntegrIty Inte lt and entirety 11 lie odds adds The church never changed her lur mm me ot of dealing with scIence Ince In thIs thi city scholar a should not allow hIs mInd mm to become befogged Time Tho isSue in 11 not sic simply Imply one ot of science or simple Inter It Is time the or of th the Incarnation t at crIticism put puta on trill The care Is III It 11 means mean meana a revision of at the DIble This the hot hol Catholic church will neVer approve One would think the tho doctrine ot of pipal pp InfallIbIlIty would be highly objection objectionable able to one accustomed to the I tant wiry of f thinkIng but the reverend doe doctor tor meets this point as It Is time for candid non Catholics t to learn lern th that t the Iho notion nollon that It Interferes with IndivIdual is II aa tru PI that a marIners renders tle saIlor fallor an object abject slave II hi is III no great wonder that hat thoughtful Protestants seek refuge In the out arms ot of Rome It 11 In true trU that thai In Austria where religIous lICe ito Is not verdant no len ies than ban conversions from Catholicism to o m are reported recently but ut In Great BritaIn which for oen cen t has been rioted for tor no UI Is a 0 Increasing cur current Sent rent toward Rome nome In fact sonic sam of the tho nest prominent English clergymen have 1110 the tho cause ot of papacy and the of Manning Newman antI and there has not tailed failed to boor bear fruit There are numerous causes cAusee for the movement DUI flut one 0 of the tha fleet 18 10 the Protestant J tIe de denial minI nial ot of a visible church They lave have RII ill abandoned the Scripture Idec ot of ona OM body with O one Lord one filth the position or of ortho one no all as well ns no tho ho fathers rs who ha know knew ot of no hureh except nn an or of elect or I faIthful Saints The They have Nt St up 1 a theory about 1 a mB fl flicI icI InvIsible bop liB arc the only Too church On this th theory or lic Dr octa remarks remark Christianity luau foiled ailed ho that triumphed over he empIre hall haic perished n nl Ito l armed theN therefore tore orte otters no or intellectual outlook or corn com lne rig generations and heaves the lie world list Ilet to choose between ration all JIm and Ih the Ca h church This Is the lIec secret t consic ion of oC a Great runny theolo Cleol scholars and It If the they to fellow their own they would abandon bandon their pulpits nut what cnn can lh they doT do With their lock loek ahorn In the lip lap or of Delilah and ond their feet tOft tied with witha a salary no Jt if the mighty Sam sons gone are aro found grinding Grain In the horn of oC the TIme The towards Rome how howo o over r Is one or of the cigna or of the limes That too will hasten hulen the day when a 10 a Iho ho Divine word ZIon and lInd the tho glory or of the Lent shall be upon uon her and she shall bo be nn an ensign unto tire the people and amI there shall conic come unto her out or of every nation un under doe der heaven |