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Show Utah Theatre Thurs. Nov. 2 GERALDINE FARRAR In the immortal masterpiece mas-terpiece Ulil liiuiB i Under direction of ! Cecil B. DeMille No advance in prices ; Shows 7:15, 8:30, 9:45 Mrs. French will be pleased to meet any one wishing to join a Spanish class at her studio, Monday evening, 16th inst. Adv. 10-13-lx. New Goods arriving daily. Golden Rule Store. Adv. 10-20-tf. Everything for the horse. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. REDUCING UPWARD In its 1912 platform, the Democratic party-promised party-promised a reduction in the number of "useless offices," of-fices," but, according to the record, the party, under the present administration, has created over 27,000 new offices, with salaries totalling $40,000 annually, and other appropriations made by the Democratic Congress exceed the appropriations of the last Re-j Re-j publican Congress by over $175,000. What they i! probably meant was that they would reduce the j number of office-seekers by providing offces for j; them. . : .juobsons Clothes Are the Kind lJ,, Yon Want For Winter J'!.,.... FLORSHE5M , SOPHOMORE SHOES You will be impressed with the difference SUITS t;t- jn appearance between men who wear r these clothes and the other men who you see on the street. There's a style about them which is distinctive; dis-tinctive; not because of extreme or freakish freak-ish ideas, but because of a dignity which marks the wearer There's a fit ?.nd finish in them which adds to the impression impres-sion ; and a quality of material which tells its own story of your good judgment as a buyer of clothes. We can fit any figure and the prices 1 SOLE AGKXTS For The SOLJ,; AGEVrg Por The . WALKOVER gg t() CgOQ brotherhood SHOES OV , OVERALLS . , are jQW gucj1 g-oocg :. I ! -abWfte- j ! Dobson's NEW STORE V" " f w? r??f T YV; T YV; j vv pr J W! TX T V! izir T W! Ory T YV? -s f T w sp&7 Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE Six room house, one block from Main Street. Rents for $27. Price reasonable. Enquire Box 264 or News office. Adv. 10-20-2x. LOST Seven year old white horse with cut tail, marked "L. M." on left side. Finder of same will get reasonable reward from Mr. Chwasteg, round house. Adv. 10-13-tf. FOR SALE- Light weight tractor. Fully equipped and in excellent condition. One-half factory price. Inquire of Milford Distributing Co. Adv. tf FOR SALE A few choice lots; easy-terms. easy-terms. See J. Matthews. Adv. FOR SALE Several horses, cheap, mares and geldings. Orpheum hotel, Milford. Plione SI. Adv. FOR SALE rThe new McDonald Apartments, $600 down, $S1 per month $5,100 in all; will take the building. Six apartments. Call on or address J. K. McDonald, Milford. Mil-ford. Adv. MANGANESE MINE FOR SALE Assays over 42 per cent. Opened ready for ore to be taken out. For further information write Mrs. M. J. Loring, Monroe, Utah. Adv. Fitted and unfitted Horse Shoes, all styles and kinds, at Burns & Bird Co. Adv. tf FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres, of deeded land in New Mexico, three miles from town. Value $1,500. Want stock of goods or furniture, or house in town. Enquire at News Office. Adv. tf FOR EXCHANGE 150 acres of timber tim-ber in Coleville County, Washington. Wash-ington. Original growth 2 million mill-ion feet. Want land or house in town. Value $3,500. Enquire at News Office. Adv. tf WANTED Second hand 6 h. p. gas engine. See B. H. Matteson, Milford. Mil-ford. Adv. tf FOR SALE One pony, buggy and harness; one four-horse fresno; one seven-foot disk, good as new; one brush grubber; one set of heavy work harness. Enquire of A. C. Ferguson. Adv. 10-6-tf. Ferguson. Adv." 10-6-tf. If you want the best in Painting, Kalsomining and Decorating, go to R. G. Siewert. Adv. tf Now is the time for horse blankets. blank-ets. We have them from $3 up. Milford Leather i Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. ' A. F. McCULLEY Let Us Save You Money On Your Fall Purchases Have you noticed the extremely effective way in which our prices are being kqpt down in the face of the unprecedented Merchandise Crisis v On every hand we hear o f higher prices. Every mail brings us advances on every class of merchandise mer-chandise on the market. We have been fortunate in having large stocks . ! bought and contracted for months ago before the prices advanced. For instance, our underwear for , this fall was bought last December. Our Fall stocks are coming to us at about 20 per cent less than the market price today. This saving will go to our customers On every hand prices are being advanced but we do not . expect to advance ours. Come to us for your Fall purchases and save money. A. F. McCULLEY Winter Will Soon Be Here NOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE FOR IT We Handle the Well-known ALSO THE Ring and Hiawatha Coal And do not forget that these are Utah Products WE CAN ALSO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE FAMOUS ACME Quality Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes MILFORD LUMBER COMPANY The "Sudden Service House" MILFORD - - UTAH |