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Show VOTERS OF UTAH: You will have the opportunity November 7th to vote on an amendment of Article 13 of the State Constitution, Con-stitution, relating to Revenue and Taxation. Many of you have been told that this amendment will increase taxes on net proceeds of mines and thereby reduce the taxes of those who do not own mining property. Will that be the result? If so, then why are not your taxes lower NOW, as net proceeds of mines increased in-creased FIVE times between statehood and 1915 and THIS year are almost THREE times what they were last year? Have your taxes come DOWN as mine proceeds went UP? They have NOT. Do you think your taxes will ever be reduced by giving the tax gatherers MORE TAXING POWER? Wouldn't you rather keep your present Constitution, which LIMITS the taxing powers? Have your public officers ever failed to SPEND ALL THE TAXES THEY CAN COLLECT? Do you know this amendment allows property to be CLASSIFIED and taxed at DIFFERENT RATES, without saying whose taxes will be raised and whose lowered? If, as you may have been toldi this is intended to reduce taxes on homes, or household goods, or farms, WHY DOESN'T IT SAY SO? Was it because they intend to do something they haven't told you about? Read the amendment and try to find the place where it says ANYBODY'S taxes will be LOWER. Look at Section 9 of the amendment. It says Legislative appropriations must not exceed the rates allowed al-lowed in Section SIX, and Section Six says NOTHING about rates, which means there is NO -LIMIT. Your present Constitution fixes a limit. If this change were made intentionally it is an outrage; if it is a mistake, how many other mistakes are there? ' Do you know the amendment WIPES OUT ENTIRELY that provision of the Constitution which says taxes shall be UNIFORM and EQUAL on ALL property? WHY? So they can tax some of you MORE than othersand this doesen't mean MINES, as mines are treated separately in another " Section. Do you know the amendment also permits DOUBLE TAXATION of companies or corporationsnot only MINING companies, but ALL companies, including YOUR company when they decide to put that burden on you? v Do you know this amendment proposes to take power from men ELECTED by YOU and give it to men APPOINTED by SOMEBODY ELSE, thereby destroying your local self government as to taxation? Do you know the State Board of Equalization says Revenue and Taxation should be ENTIRELY ELIMINATED ELIM-INATED FROM THE CONSTITUTION, and that this same Board is the father of the amendment amend-ment and of the new tax law which has caused so much trouble all over the State this year? . We, know, as you know, that taxes are high too high on everybody because the people of the State have not insisted on the careful expenditure of their public funds. The need of the times is not INCREASED TAXES but REDUCED EXPENDITURES EXPENDI-TURES all down the line, so that all of us may have better opportunities to prosper and investors be encouraged to put their money into Utah enterprises instead of being driven from the State by excessive tax rates and the threat of worse to come. We do not argue the cause of the mines in this statement. We ask you to forget that Utah mines exist, or assume that they ought to be taxed to the limit and beyond, if you will. Then consider this amendment as it affects YOURSELF. Read it. Understand Un-derstand it, if you can, and then vote for it if you are SURE it was framed for your benefit, as you KNOW the Constitution was. But if you do NOT understand it, if you are NOT sure it is intended to benefit and protect you, PROTECT YOURSELVES with your votes on Nov. 7th. If adopted, this amendment will be the SUPREME LAW of Utah, and if you are in doubt, it is your PRIVILEGE, your RIGHT, your DUTY to VOTE "NO" Utah Chapter, American Mining Congress Boston Building. Salt Lake City, Utah ' This statement is made because there has been a state-wide campaign conducted to prejudice the public mind against Utah's mining lndrnv try and, in connection therewith, to establish the impression that the amendment affects ONLY the taxation of mines. The Utah Chapter, American Mining Congress, resents the attempt to create such an unjust prejudice and challenges all statements that the amendment contemplates contem-plates only increased mine taxation. Additional information on the sabject will be sent to any interested citizen on request. Adv. , I METZ Five Passenger Touring Car Modernly Epuipped, Electric Starter and Light- ing System Quick Demountable Tires $600 f. o. b. WALTHAM MASS. Roadster and Express Cars proportionately Cheaper. A. G. ANDERSON (The Honey Man) Agent for Beaver and Iron Counties ALPHEUS SHARP, Demonstrator Is the imported" Bug in Your Sugar Some people have a standard of sugar per-craze per-craze for things from fection. There is no bet-over bet-over the seas. When, as er whether it be im-a im-a matter of fact,- U. S. Perted or the Price dou-made dou-made goods, especially ' ' food products, excel the Te finest pastry and world in .purity and co.?&c?s-m aure 0made quality-and they are ith Utah-Idaho Sugar, cheaper - a so makes good jelly. This sugar is a sure pre- Utah-Idaho Sugar is servative because it is made in sanitary fac- 100 per cent pure. tories, in these same Housewives every- mountain states, where where are beginning to pure air is a great ster- appreciate Utah-Idaho ilizer. The finished pro- Sugar, and will not ac- duct is the recognized cept substitutes. 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L:u.Xk ,v ; I K will send it qn ten days' E S examination to any ad- Remington Typewriter Company, i dress within the first and (Incorporated) E second parcel post zones 327 Broadway, New York. 8 of any Remington branch i a office. If you decide not Seni mc ' Remington Junior Type- C to keep it, return within , writer, price 550, on free examination. J: is I n tQT days no obligation understood that I may return tlie machine, B ilj involved. if I choose, within ten days. If I decide 0 I Here is vnur chance, your to P"'"" k 1 af!c to W for h in IO 1 first chance, to get the montily paymenta of 5 each. !j typewriter you have a!- 3 g ways needed. Cut out this 3 jj coupon and send it to us. Beaver County News, County Agents |