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Show SFKIAL .SO. IIK2.-:$ ! NOTICK OK AI'l'LICATIO.V FOIl U. S. 1WTKNT. i Survoy No. D026 ; IT. S. Land Ollke, Salt Lake City, I'tali. October 20, 191G. Notii:; is hereby given Uiat in pursuance of the Aet of Conres approved .May In, 1 S 7 2 , Milford Mercantile Company, a corporation, whose po'-Lotliee address is Milford, I'tnb. by 1 C, Kvans its attorney in fact, ha:; Made app'irai 'on for a pat-ent pat-ent Tor 12 L' 2.1; linear feet on the Alice S. Lode, 151)1) linear feet on the Nellie I!. Lode, I ."(mi linear feet on the Xellie II. No. 1 Lode, 124:5. 4 , linear feet on the Mabel Clair Lode. 1240. 2 linear reet on the f'ermelia ; Lode, all hearing gold and silver) with surface ground of Bel) feet in width on each lode or claim and de- , scribed by moots and bounds as fol-' lows, magnetic variation 17 degrees! 00 minutes: Beginning at corner No. 1 of Alice S. Lode whence. TJ. S. M. M. i No. 1 T. 21) S. R. 11 W. S. L. Ti. & M. bears S. 5 9 degrees 0 0 minutes YV. 4087.1 feet; thence N. 8 degrees! 2:i minutes W. 640 feet to corner j No. 2; thence S. CI degrees 14 minutes min-utes W. 177.4 feet to corner of No. : 1 of Nellie B. Lode; thence N. 00 30 minutes K. 6 .' 2 . 5 feet to corner No. 1 of Nellie B. No. 1 Lode; thence N. 2 degrees niiminutes K. 7 0.") feet, to corner No. 2; thence N. i 1 degrees 14 minutes K. I:"o0 feet to enrner No. 2; thence S. 2 degrees; ',: minutes W. o C S . 1 feet to corner No. 3 of Mabel Clair No. 1 Lo.le; t:-.en-e 3. .vi degree.; 12 minutes E. 124 3.4 feet to corner No. 4; thence S. 00 degrees 30 minutes V. 608 ! i'eet to corner of No. a; them-e S. S degrees 2 3 minutes K. 631.4 feet to corner No. :" Permelia Lode; thence N. 74 degrees 1!) minutes V. 1327.3) feet to corner No. 1; thence S. 8 degrees de-grees 23 minutes E. 320.4 feet to corner No. 4 of Alice S. Lode; thence S. 61 degrees 14 minutes V. I 322.6 feet to corner No. 1 Alice S. Lode to place of beginning, situate in Heaver Lake ".lining District, Bea- I ver County, State of Utah, and described des-cribed by the official plat and by the held notes on file in the oflice of the register of the Salt Lake Land District. Utah, containing 90.601 Acres. Excepting and excluding from this application all that portion of ground embraced in mining claim ; or survey designated as the Milford Mercantile Company Survey No. 634 i, 0.023 Acres of which is in conflict with Alice S. Lode. Net area applied for 90.5 7S Acres. Said claims form a portion of T. 26 S. R. II W. S. L. B. & M. The names of the adjoining and conflicting claim shown bv the plat of survey No. 6341 is the Duluth No. 2 Lode on the South in conflict with the Alice S. Lode. I direct that this notice be puh-' puh-' lished in the Beaver County News at Milford, Utah for the period of nine consecutive weeks. GOULD H. BLAKELY, Register. Date of first publication, Oct. 27, 1916. Date of last publication, Dec. 22, 1916. |