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Show PROJECT POIXTKRS The Board of Directors of the Beaver County Irrigation Company has ordered the repair of the damage on the main canals which was caused by the late cloudbursts. The president presi-dent of the Board will have personal charge of the work under the supervision super-vision of Supt. Gilbert. The work will be done by the settlers themselves them-selves and is to commence next Monday Mon-day morning near Mr. Gilbert's home on the State highway. Any settlers desiring to work on the repairs should report to Mr. Gilbert or to the president of the board. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCIanahan and little daughters left Sunday for (Continued from Page 5) WEEKLY REVIEW, IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS (Continued from page 1 i their former home in El Centro to spend the winter. Their sons Thomas and Dolse will follow soon. All expect to return next Spring. Mr. Sherman, also of the Project, also accompanied the McClanahans. Mr. and Mrs. Gospill of Imperial avenue on the Project, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. My Fours on a motor J trip to the Hot Springs last Satur- J day, where tkey spent Sunday. At the meeting of the stockhold- Ck"" ers of the Beaver County Irrigation Company held in Milford last week Directors W. H. Allen and Mr. Fulton Ful-ton having removed from the county and State, their places on the Board were declared vacant and George Jefferson and D. A. Webster were elected to fill the vacancies. At a subsequent meeting of -the Board of Directors the resignation of A. C. Ferguson was received and accepted and E. T. Morrison was elected to take Mr. Ferguson's place on the Board. An assessment of fifty cents per share was called for to pay outstanding out-standing bills and to cover the cost of the repair of the main canals which work is to be undertaken at once. It was decided that the settlers set-tlers should have the preference in the work. George Williams and family who have been living on the Duncer place on the Project removed to Milford Tuesday where they will spend the winter. There are only fourteen children left in the Hillside school on the Project. There were twenty-seven enrolled at the opening of the term. Chinaman Joe is at the Demonstration Demon-stration Farm cleaning house and getting things in irder for the return re-turn of Mr. and Mrs. James Moody, who will spend at least a portion ot the winter there. At a meeting of the settlers held at the Hillside school house last Saturday Sat-urday afternoon the farmers' club was reorganized under the name of "Farmers' Co-Operative Association of Milford Valley. The need of cooperation co-operation seems to be more urgent than ever since bo many have left the valley. The first regular monthly month-ly meeting of the new organization will be held Saturday, October 28th, at the Hillside school house when a very interesting program will be rendered. County Farm Agent Christianson has been invited to address ad-dress the meeting on the condition and prospects of the potato market, There will be music and recitation and discussions of interest to all settlers. set-tlers. Everybody is invited and no fees are charged for admission or membership, the latter being limited to owners of land on the Project ana the adult members of their families. Mrs. Abbie Anderson, secretary and treasurer of the new Farmers' Co-Operative Association of the Project, who is also an expert lino-typist, lino-typist, is assisting the News force this week in getting out the paper by operating the new linotype. |