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Show " j FOR COUNTY ATTORNEY Russell E. Parsons Kesmlar Nominee of Democraiii' and Progressive Parties i i E. B. JORGENSEN Licensed Embsbrier ; Funeral Director , Phone 4 . Milford, Utah ! Open Day and Xight i rr When in Lund Patronize THE LUND HOTEL Cleanliness, Comfort, Courtesy, Good Service ! REASONABLE RATES Headquarters for travel throughout Southern Utah LUND, UTAH Mrs. E. L. CARTER, Prop. MATHESON THE TAILOR i MAKER OF UP-TO-DATE CLOTHES. Milford Utah Phone 13 Notary Public SAM CLINE Attorney-a t-La w FORMERLY OF CALIFORNIA MILFORD -:- -:- -:- UTAH CLINE & BOYER Big Bargains in Good Land CASH OR TERMS Some Specials in School Lands MILFORD, UTAH J. A. ING0LS I .Mining and Civil Engineer, Engi-neer, U. S. Deputy Mining Min-ing Engineer, City En- j gineer. ' MILFORD, UTAH ; PHONE No. 67. ! . ' J Tombstones, Monuments and Grave Markers of all kinds at reasonable prices. E. B. JORGENSEN, Agent MILFORD, UTAH i Shirley S. Atkin j Attorney-at-Iaw j i I Office MILFORD STATE BANK BUILDING j MILFORD UTAH j Phone 10. j ' '' ' ' . MILFORD - UTAH f: - , ... s Don't forget we carry the celebrated W I Out West -I Dress and Work g Shirts I !?) for men. Also the nation wide known fa Arrow Brand Shirts for men. S W e are now ready to sell you your Win- Si jv ter's Blankets and Comforters. Our 6s line is the largest in Milford. Come in and look over our Ladies' Coats. Prices ranging from g $10 to $25 S s s I THE GOLDEN RULE STORE PHONE 10. . 252? 252? 222 252 2S2 252? 252? 252 25 252? 252? 252? f2 I 1 JEFFERSON Mercantile Co. I FANCY GROCERIES ? all kinds of MEATS. 1 i Vea1' Pork' t ' 4 s?& Mutton, Meats, fl Fresh Fish Every Thursday and . li- Friday. a Fresh Oysters every day. : We specialize on High Grade Coffees, Teas and Spices. i MILFORD Everything for Blasting, iTT ii HERCULES POWDERS, - 11 All GIANT POWDERS, t I Phone No. 20 CAPS AND FUSE, , J t MINING SUPPLIES, and I I SPORTING AMMUNITION. We Sell the Famous fcflJ OLD MASTER COFFEE, f f y) Chase & Sanborn J TEAS AND COFFEES. FOR THE HOUSE nips, Parsnips, Carrots, j WIFE. Pears, Peaches, Plums, I Celery, Sweet Spuds, Apples, Oranges, Ba- Cauliflower, Bell Pep- nanas, Muscat Grapes, I pers, Egg Plant, Cab- Tokay Grapes, Concord f bage, Cucumbers, Tur- ' Grapes. I JEFFERSON Mercantile Co. I I T Royal Bread is the Popular Demand So popular has the demand for Royal Bread become be-come that it may be found in any of the progressive grocery stores in these inter-mountain states. 1 BreaD I pf-r BreaD I is shipped by fast express every day, so that it is just as fresh in your town as it is in Salt Lake where it is baked. You'll like Royal Bread; it's "the bread that made mother stop baking." Order a trial loaf with your groceries today. For Sale in Milford by Golden Rule Store T. W. Sloan & Co. Jefferson Mercantile Co. Bill & Bill |