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Show lMtlll'IIS" '.! A -1 1 1 V IN T TO T!IV COXS-I t ! t 1 U'V. St NVTl-. .IOIXT i!iui.t iiox MHitiiii i:iimr. Proposing an aniendnuiil to Article 1:--of the Oons::ii;eoa of the Stite ot Utah, reiatina' l' revenue and uixa- Be it resolved by the Legislature o! the Slate of Utah, two-thirds of ail rnemi ers elected to each of the two houses concurring therein: l Section 1. It is proposed to amend rtic'e 13 of the Constitution of the State of Utah, so that the same will read as follows: i 1 The power of taxation shall never . be surrendered, suspended, or contracted contract-ed sw;iv. All taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of property within with-in the territorial limits of the HUthorl-ty HUthorl-ty levying: the tax. and shall be levied md colle-ted for public purposes only 2. The Legislature shall provido by he.v f-,r an annual lax suflicl.-nt, with o.ln-1- sie.i-.c-- 1,1 re'.' roe-, o, Gelra:- S ; 1 1 - ' lor e i b a- - a i .-a r. l-'.a- the psr-p.'-e of piiyinK tlie Stale il.-ia, if any Mm -r.- in-, lae I a:i si a I a i shall provide forli'V.'. an;-; :i t.ix a n ri 1 1 a 1 1 y, s 1 1 I'm - i en t to :ci;; la.- . 1 1 1 . . i ; 1 1 ini.-re-t am! piumtpa; .-I .ia li i : - r . i . will, la iwcnly yt.-:us from t i taiai p.is.i.; .,f tin- I;iw creitiiat 1 d.-i -. ::. 'I ie-n- siiill he ex.-mpt 1 taxrt la .a p!'.p,.iay of Lie- Limed Slatc-s. ol the Sl.tt.', .'oMCla--', riln-s, t.eviis. sci.o.o ' pul.iir li'brari.'S. bus will! the l.iiiMiK Iii-.'.-on il-.-'l e X . 1 1 1 s i - e 1 ;.- for eltia-i- :e-::.--uis v.i.-bii or ehai-itaMe puri-ose .i-.i .l of bur,:,! n a. Ic-.'i or i I ..1- p:iy.-i to or i-.il I'O, :p.. 1 .. lo lit. Inl'-b.s, eimils, res.-'-voirs, pip--s ana l!iiincs i.y:i.-.l oiol used to.' i n i i i v . .1 c,ai -.r . i .ri. a o l ions l or irrinalin- laial-oa-iiei by sm-li i oil i viil uals or curp-o-a lions, or the ind i v oi in 1 memln-rs ihet"-I ihet"-I ..f, sli.il! ma Oc .-.p.-ir.-ili-ly taxed s. 10- i as tb.-y si, ill lie owiu-d and usco J i iiMV.-iy for sui h lairiaise: proviil.-n, tint m o taaes upon r, a 1 ami persona. - i ay oall p.- exmnpt from taxation. a tie- t.-i niis of t iio indiK.mil pool m;i .- bo remitted ,,r nb it oil ot mieh tim. .iti.l in sin h hi iiiiti l' us m;iy be p ro ' ii 1 uu py In w. I '1 1 a as !.: ' u ni -ball uol imposir li'..-' tor tip- purpose of any couniy -i;;, town or oilier m u n a i ai 1 corpoia i lion, I 'll, n-i:i.', bv ve-l in t!ie cor (M.i.ii,- a in Inn i lies and coll-.-l taxes In .ill ii.ii.i,ies ni sm-li corpora I ion. .". 'I'll'- sui-fio'e .iii'oi.nd of nil milieu , -mil mining i Inaus, b,,ili ja, er and rock ' in plip'i', -ion tn i n 1 1114' or Pina-ilii:- koIlI, sii v.t, copper, loud, iron or oilier vnln I ulde nieials, a' ier b :i re hn - e tla-rea: 11- om the I:niti-d Slutes, sLmil tie taxeo el n vnl'.ie nol ireiiti'i' tiian llie prict-end prict-end the I'nilid Slnles the-efor, unless llie siiiface iiuind, or some purl Ibere-nt. Ibere-nt. of Slo b miiics or claim, is used foi otuer tin m minim;' pii.'po.-es. and bus i -epnrnli. and ind ep-an ien t vulm: for suel. oi her purposes; in which case Slid sur-haCe sur-haCe i;'i'i.un., or any purl thereof, s. iied tor other tlcin mininir purposes, shall be taxed other llliin mining purposes pur-poses as provided by law: and ail nui ihi'iery used in mininii'. and nil prop erty and surface improvements upon o: a pen rtemtn I to mines and mining jcliiiins, . liich have a 'alue separate . i rid independent of such mines or niin-imr niin-imr claims, shall lie taxed us provided ! y lu'iv. Ail lands containing coal, i;r:tnite, stone. murOlo, onyx, lius.- oil, i il i o-cn 1-tnuis, L'yiisutn, or other valu-uiile valu-uiile miner :1 deposits, timer tiian those en n mora 1 ed above in lids section, alter iniichuse ther-'of from the United States .'.ml till property ami surfnee imiirove-nients imiirove-nients upon or ;i nnu rtenan t to such hinds which hove a value separate and mdenenilent of all such lands shall lie l.ixe.l as provided by law. In addition to :he assessment of the surface tirounils, improvements mid ninenlnery of mines and miuinit claims, all mines end mining- claims producing net proceeds pro-ceeds shell be taxed at a value not to exceed three times such net proceeds, 11. An accurate statement of the receipts re-ceipts and expenditures of the public moneys shall be published annually in sucb manner as the Legislature may provide. " 7. The rate of. taxation on propertj for State purposes- shall never exceed eight mills orr-e'ich dollar of valuation to be apportioned as follows. Not to exceed four and one-half mills on each dollar of valuation for general State purposes: not to exceed three mills on each dollar 'of valuation for district, school purposes: not to exceed one-half mill on each dollar of valuation for high school purposes; that part of the State tax npnportioned to high school purposes shall constitute a fund to be called ihe "high school fund' and shall be apportioned to the cities and school districts maintaining high schools in the manner tile Legislature may provide. pro-vide. And whenever the taxable property prop-erty within the State shall amount to Four Hundred Million Dollars, the rate shall not exceed five mills on each riol-hi riol-hi r of valuation: unless a proposition to increase such rate, specifying the late proposed and the time during which the same shall be levied, be first submitted to a vote of such of the tiualilied electors of the State as, in the year next preceding such election, shall have paid a property tax assessed to them within the State, and the majority majori-ty of those voting thereon shall vote in favor thereof, in such manner as may be provided by law. S. Tlie making of profit out of pub-lie pub-lie moneys, using the same for any purpose not authorized by law, by any public officer, shall be deemed a felony, and shall be punished as provided by law. but part of such punishment shall be disqualification to hold public office. 9. No appropriation shall be made, or any expenditure authorized by the Legislatu re, whereby the expenditures of the State, during any fiscal year, shrill exceed the total tax then provided for by law, and applicable for such appropriation ap-propriation or expenditure, unless the Legislature making such appropriation, shall provide for levying a sufficient tax. not exceeding the rate allowed in Section G of this article, to pay such appropriation or expenditure within such fiscal year. This provision shall not apply to appronrin tinns or exnendi-tures exnendi-tures to suppress insurrections, defene the Stat'', or assist in defending th United S:ates in time of war. fly Nothing in this constitution shall be "onstrued to prevent the Legislature from providing a stamp tax, or a tas based on income, oooupa tion. licenses or ir:' tichi-'es. Sec. 2. The Secretary of State is hereby ordered to give this proposition proposi-tion to be published in at least one newspaper in every county in the State where a newspaper is printed anri published for two months preceding the i next general election. 1 Sec. r. This prooosition shall bi? submitted to the electors of this Stati- ;i t the next gen. -rill election for tbei approval or disapproval. . All officwii h idols used at such election shall bivve printed or written thereon the words. "For the amendment of Aritcle 13of ihe Consti tut mn. re'.ating to In xat idn." "Yes." "No." and shall otherwise j bf tvepuT-'-d ind s'bimittod to the eleclor? :,s may be oib.erwise provided by ltiw. and said oullel shell be received, coiint- c., and . :i n va s s, d. .md returns theiloon !-o m o!., in ti e s ime manner am: in nd respe 'ts as in or may lie prov ded bv 1 i v in the e.-.e of election of S:ate Se -. 1. If reVeted by the elector? of tile S!nt this umendmeat siiall take ef;e"t J.auiarv . l;i!7. ! Al'proved ?:arch -'eh. 191a. i |