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Show Now is the time to order that Christmas Fancy Work. Order early and thus be assured of timely service. ser-vice. Milford Art Store. Adv. 10-27-lx You have no excuse to suffer from sore throat. Rexall Throat Gargle, simple safe and agreeable. Adv. 10-27-tf Milford Phar. A trial of Zenzal will convince. For Eczema. Sold by Quirk Drug Co. For itching, burning skin troubles try ZENSAL. Sold by Quirk Drug Co. MATHESON WILL RESUME Matheson. The Tailor and Clothes Cleaner, will reopen his business at the old stand on or about Tuesday, Oct. 30th. Mr. Matheson wishes to tender thanks for services extended by the local fire department and assisting as-sisting friends who were instrumental instrumen-tal in saving considerable property at the recent fire. Adv. lx . I The worse your cold the greater ; :your need for Rexall Cold Tablets, j I 20c. Adv. 10-27-tf Milford Phar. i Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream, j the cream supprb for Milady's toilet. Adv. 10-27-tf Milford Phar. Cash paid for second hand collars. M. L. G. Co. Adv. 10-16-tf. BLACK KOGA OINTMENT Best Medicine in the World If you are troubled with cancer, rheumatism, goiter, fresh cuts, pain in siide or back headache or blood poison, don't fail to use thiH wonderful won-derful remedy, as many have been relieved of these complaints by using us-ing it. Tliis wonderful remedy can be had by calling at your druggist 'or it will be sent to any address for $1.50. Koga's Bacteria Destroyer for Sore Throats, Cancer of Slomfh and Mouth. George E. Kng.i, Mint ReBtaurant, Milford, Utah. Adv. 10-27-lx Half-soles sewed on, $1. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-j 10-j 6-tf. How Catarr.'ih Is Contracted. Mothers are sometimes so thoughtless thought-less as to neglect the colds which their children contract. The Inflammation Inflam-mation of the mucus membrane, at first acute, becomes chronic and the child has chronic catarrh, a dlseanc that Is seldom cured and that may prove a life's burden. Many persons per-sons who have this loathsome disease J will remember having had frequent i colds at the time it was contracted. ; A little forethought, a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Judiciously Judic-iously used, and all this trouble might have been avoided. Obtainable Obtain-able everywhere. |