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Show THE BEAVER COUNTY NEWS Published every Friday at Milford, Utah. R. S. RAMSEY, Managing Editor. TERMS OF S UBSCRIPTIOX. One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months 50c One Month 25c All subscriptions payable In advance. Advertising rates upon application. Entered at the Post Office at Milford as second class mail matter. OUR CANDIDATES CHARLES E. HUGHES CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS LET'S KEEP W3?V AT HOME THE OLD FLAG pJi ABROAD RESPECTED (ti3 ON THE SEA rr-TJ jj Only ten days more until Mr. Hughes is elected. ' And also George Sutherland as United States Senator. Likewise Hon. Nephi L. Morris as Governor of Utah. And not forgetting W. J. Burns for Representative Representa-tive in the Legislature. o October 31st and November 1st last registration registra-tion days. o Henry Ford says he is going to get on the Wilson Wil-son band wagon. He must mean the hearse. o If the remaining features of the Lyceum course match up to the initial entertainment, the course will be worth twice the price of admission. o Secretary of 'War Baker's speech in which he likened the Valley Forge patriots to Villa's bandits, was simply another nail in the political coffin of the Democratic party. - i o Felix Diaz has loomed up on the unhappy political polit-ical horizon of Mexico far enough to be "recognized." "recog-nized." Off with the old love, on with the new. What's the use of waiting? Do it now. o ANOTHER "FLOP" DUE While the American-Mexican Conference is trying try-ing to arrive at a basis of "understanding" between Washington and the "defactless" Mexican misgov-ernment, misgov-ernment, report comes that Carranza is preparing to flee from the country, while Felix Diaz is hammering ham-mering at the gates of Chihuahua City. Another "Mexican policy" is about due." n NO COMPARISON Mr. Bamberger, Democratic candidate for governor, of Utah, has been "bunching his hits" throughout the state, largely on the question of how much the carpets and rugs and other furniture of the State House cost. Contrast his speech with the dignified, logical, intelligent discussion of national and state issues, as enunciated by Hon. Nephi L. Morris, Republican nominee for the same high office. The contrast is significant. o "STOPPING THE PAPER" Horace Greeley, editor of one of New York's biggest newspapers, was once accosted on the street by an irate subscriber, whose "politics did not accord ac-cord with that of the paper," with the words: "Mr. Greely, I have stopped your paper." "Too bad," said the editor, sadly shaking his head and continuing on his way. Meeting the same woman, a few days later, he remarked to her: "Mrs. W., I thought you said you stopped the Tribune." "So I did," said Mrs. W. "Why," said Greely, "you must be mistaken; when I reached the office I found the paper running along just the same." n LINE UP FOR BURNS Milford and her environs, especially, should be unanimous on at least one proposition -that of sending W. J. Burns to the legislature by a big majority. Neither partisanship, religion, factional differences nor any other cause, should stand in the way of accomplishing this end. No one can point a finger of criticism at Mr. Burns' public or private life, nor at his eminent fitness for the place. o In the Democratic platform of 1912, these words occur: "We favor a single presidential term and to that end urge the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution, making the President of the United States ineligible for re-election, AND WE PLEDGE THE CANDIDATE OF THIS CONVENTION TO THIS PRINCIPLE." At Washington Park, N. J., Aug. 15, 1912, Woodrow Wilson is on record as haVing said: "Our platform is not molasses to catch flies. It means business. It means what it says." Speaker Champ Clark, according to the Congressional Con-gressional Record of March 31, 1914, made this remark re-mark in the House : "There are many things worse than being defeated' de-feated' for Congress, or defeated for the Speakership, Speaker-ship, or even worse than to be defeated for the Presidency, Pres-idency, and one of them is TO REPUDIATE THE PLATFORM ON WHICH YOU WERE ELECTED." ELECT-ED." This is only one example of Democratic "pledge keeping." It is up to Republicans to see that the Democratic platform is not hopelessly violated in respect to a second term for Mr. Wilson. o WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH IT ? With thirty-four trades unions in Chicago passing pass-ing resolutions denouncing Mr. Wilson for his attitude atti-tude toward labor and calling upon 1,500,000 members mem-bers of the same unions in the country, to defeat him, and with 7000 signers to a petition of Minnesota railway men, calling for a repeal of the Adamson law, and 30,000 more in prospect, it would strike' one of normal mental caliber that there must be something some-thing radically wrong with the law. It is to be regretted re-gretted that the laboring men are not waking up faster to the fact that they have been misled, that they have been handed a package of "sugar-coated pills," by the present administration, timed to hold their pleasant taste till after election, when the real bitter truth about it will be evident. But there is a gleam of comfort in the fact that thousands of laboring labor-ing men are waking up to the truth and are rapidly lining up to administer the rebuke, next month, that is due to any party which tries to win votes by the "gold brick" method. n LET'S TAKE IT HOME The speech of Hon. Nels Darling, at the high -school, Monday evening, was a mine of good, solid horse sense, with veins of rare humor and sugar-coated sugar-coated satire. Mr. Darling touched Milford in many vital points and offered suggestions which Milford cannot afford to let go by the board. His appeal for a closer community interest and solidarity is one that should especially be heeded. The history of the small town, the country, aye, the world over, confirms the fact that no town can hope to prosper without community unity. His suggestion for a community club is a good " one. Cannot we act on it? The community club will do more in one month to bring about community co-operation than all the newspaper preaching that could Joe done in a year. His semi-humorous criticism criti-cism of our untidy alleys and streets should be heeded. heed-ed. Milford cannot afford to be known as an untidy town. Perhaps all have not yet realized it, but Mr. Darling's talk was one of the most valuable civic sermons that could be preached to a community, even though given in a running fire of humor. Unless Un-less we follow the advice, the lecture was-lost on us. Let's follow it. : 0 DISTRICT ATTORNEYSHIP The News, while strictly Republican in state and national politics, is not so' radically partisan when it conies to county affairs, where there are no vital political issues at stake. This paper has been calling upon county voters, especially Milford voters, vo-ters, regardless of party faith, to support W. J. Burns for the legislature, because he is fit for the plaGe and deserves it, and because he is a local man. There are two candidates for District Attorney, one from Beaver county and one from a neighboring neighbor-ing county. Consistently applying the principle of loyalty to community interests to the county at large, it would seem only fair that the Beaver county coun-ty candidate in the race for the District Attorneyship Attorney-ship should receive -the support of voters of Beaver county, in which he has resided for fifty years and in which he has conducted a long and successful legal practice. Mr. O. A. Murdock of Beaver, the gentleman in question, has previously served as County Attorney, also as City Attorney of Beaver City. He is a Democrat, but may live to reform. He has assured the News and his supporters that if elected, he will enforce the law vigorously and impartially, im-partially, and if the voters of this county, regardless of party, feel that Mr. Murdock will do this, loyalty to the home county may be maintained by support-ing support-ing the home county candidate. THE NEW ATKIN HOTEL The beauty of its spacious public rooms, as well as its daintily inviting chambers, is most unusual in this part of the I State. This hotel moots the wan ts of men and women of excep-, excep-, tional tastes at a most much lower than you would except. : Every improvement and convenience at your call. The best thought of, and most talked of hotel in Southern Utah. A LA CARTE SERVICE AT MODERATE COST I fililford Leather Goods Company j Whips - harness - saddlery I t HARNESS AND SADDLES j J Built to Order I i j l Auto Tops Dressed and Recovered J i i ii - - - - i i i i i - i . J SHOE REPAIRING NEATLY DONE J VISIT THE EAST 0 AND , YOUR OLD HOME TOWN "HOME VISITORS" EXCURSIONS Via Salt Lake Route. To "-f Denver Council Bluffs, fcdl&sti Pueblo, Kansas City, IlOfl JVgJ Minneapolis Colorado Springs, tfyr Chicago, Sale Dates October 21, November 8, 25, 28, December Decem-ber 20 and 23. RETURN LIMIT THREE MONTHS. For rates, time tables and full particulars, see Agent Salt Lake Route or write H. E. BANNING, Agent, Milford, Utah J. H. MANDERFIELD, : A. G. P. A., Salt Lake City. Use the Sunlight mm? It's Free pile 4 ' W-ft Sunlight is the world's champion disinfectant. 't's on tne jk most of the time and it's just as llH. necessary for the sleeping quarters of the hog as IL'&i'l? " it is for bedrooms iri the house. Sj Therefore, in planning your hog house, be sure to pro- vide plenty of windows. See that every nook and corner gets its share of this reliable disinfectant. In this way you will also make sure of good ventilation. Build a substantial hog house, for the hog needs protection pro-tection more than any other animal on the farm. Make sure of good drainage and cleanliness. We stand ready to give you any advice on the question of material. And our advice is just iike the sunlight i it's free. . s E D NNEVl LLE LUMBER CO. O e o . . M e r n I i C o and Associate s Milford Lund Modena. I " Phone Wasatch 2364 w. h. Ensiunan, Sec. & Trbas. Associated Consulting Engineers ORE SHIPPER'S DEPARTMENT (MOOCHERS) Are you PAYING FRETOT ON WATER? Are jour MOISTURES EXCESSIVE? Are your cars properly WEIGHED and CLEANED out at th Sampler or Smelter? Are you getting paid full value for your ore. or are you losing ore by excessive moisture and another an-other portion by improperly CLEANED CAR. j Are your settlements as prompt aR they should be? If not, let us "Mooch" for you. I We have competent men ?t the various Samplers and Smelters to see that our Clint's ores ' are correctly weighed and sampled, that his cars are clean when weighed light, and that he gets a prompt and correct statement for his or. For this service and anytning that may come up in interest of shipper. Our charge is based on tonnage and will be furnished fur-nished on application. We are saving money for others, why not foi you? CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT S. M. MOKBIS Designers of Mine, Mill. Power Industrial Plants. Steel and Concrete Structures ' MINING DEPARTMENT W. H. Parker Mine examinations and reports, mineralogists, ore shipper's representatives smelter settlemVits and ore contracts METALLURGY VND CHEMISTRY A. E. Custer Metallurgical testing laboratories, practical mill testa of all kinds, process investigations P. PEUGEOT, MANAaER 602-603 DOOLY BLOCK, SALT LAKE CITY |