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Show I x ). ( ). b Milford Lodge No. 42, I. 0.,0. -F. mets every Monday evening even-ing at I. O. O. F. Hall All visiiins brothers are cordially invited i J. A. Inools. Noble Grand Arthur Wood. Secretary There's only one right way to tune a Piano A. W.WINDBERG An expert in this line does it the right way Agent for the celebrated BALDWIN PIANOS A. W. WINOEERG, Milford -:- -:- -:- Vtah Abstracts for Mineral Patents WILLIAM HURST Licensed Abstractor Beaver, Utah Examinations and Reports on Properties. C. T. WOODBURY ATTOK X E V-AT-I, AW BANK BUILDING Phone 71 Milford Utah FIRST CLASS PAPER-HANGING, PAiNTING I and KALSQMINING j DONB BY BAUER & BECK Late of Los Angeles Al l. WORK (il' ARAM ECU Prices Reasonable Call on us for estimates. PHONE 5 v Dr. 0. E. ADKINS DENTIST BANK BUILDING, PHONE 3S 4 Milford Utah Its bark is better than its bite. That is, if it is Cherry Bark. Rexall Cherry Bark Cof Syrup,' 25c, 50c, Adv. 10-27-tf Milford Phar. , Si- r- v :$ I i - i.v jm, x pi ' 4 V sj J '''Oh LoJ I can eat 'em all they won't hurt me! That's be- a !aj cause they're made with Calu- . '! met and that's why they're hi vit pure, tempting, tasty, whole- H vA some that's why they won't' M "'V hurt any kid." ffi Received Highest Awardi A? f.Vt C,f find FrrrSf Slif yT Sy'l v P Mm I a a5 : - ... -a a I'-l-v-', :' : ' v. ! :.'' ' - - ' ' "' ' K-': : ! r-c.'A -:--'" 'f'- .-t 1 ; - V -a' ; ; i '-';' :. y ';v,,.lvs r-"" -'- .'- I ! Cheap i; i H rra.rLakire; i"'-.-. a.ta s ,.,;rv,i j'.-lvey ni'jrsv. Cr'iant a-:s --e ia.nl f-r sca.-f;ar lo sob: I. a : ': a . . Catarrh Cannot Ee Cured i with LOCAI, APPLICATIONS, as they I cannot reach the seat of the disease, j Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in- I nui-nc d by constitutiana conditions. ! and in order to ear.- it y.ju must take an internal remedy. "Hall's Catarrh Ca-tarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces sur-faces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Cure was prescribed hy one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the a, s: blood purifiers. The perfect combination com-bination of the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure in what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. condi-tions. Pend for testimonials, free. T. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. All rriiifst 75c. I Something New in Milford 1 Quirk Drug Co. recently purchased a supply of the : best eczema remedy in the world. Ask about Drv ; ZENSAL for the dry, scaly skin and Moist ZEN-SAL ZEN-SAL for the watery eruptions. Two perfect remedies reme-dies for the treatment of skin diseases. Sold by QUIRK DRUG COMPANY I ?, CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY y ,)! i I MILFORD REALTY COMPANY 1 I McGARRY BUILDING I : : ' t) I I MINING, GOVERNMENT LAND, INSURANCE ,T ? ' ' ' 1 I t. ,. ,. . ' K Announcement I desire to announce that I have absorbed the f controlling interest in the business of Daly & I i . Harris, and have also secured the services of an j' j up to date tailor who Will cater to the wants of j: ' j the public in all lines of tailoring. , ...j Shoe Shinning, Shoe Repairing and Laundry ,:i Work will be done in the same satisfactory ! manner as heretofore. 1 . , i As in the past, every courtesy will will be ex- i, j tended to the trade and I will be pleased to see j j my old friends. j' :j Respectfully, j; i G. L. HARRIS '. , Phone 29 Milford Pharmacy Block FS53J ff c t:- : Ail-TVN '"' - '"' a-'; f - " ' ' fi u:. : ' O : A LITTLE GOMFORTEP Comfort anl warmth for the little With C'jnoro !:h-fy (Jil ;is a fuel, it y ones and for the, big ones too, ate c, joy to any itou-chokl. aava'.-s found in the homewheic the PKRFECTION SMOKELESS The Perfection Jlcatcr is sold at K OIL HEATER is used. hardware, furninuc and general h It is handy ami convenient and can stores. Cono. o Safety Oil, tlie p be carried from one room to another handiest and most convenient of R aa easily as a woman's work basket. fuels, is sold hy all reliable dealers. jjj THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY fv (A Colorido Corportioo) 4s't -':?f& perfection stu rtm I P-bU JMOKilLEXHEATtRJ "'"" f (;f,V-.f fell |