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Show SKRIAIi XO. 0KJ22S.-'' Notice of Ajipljcal ion for United States Patent. k j In the United States Land Office, ; Salt Lake City. Utah, September 27, j ism. ; Mineral Survey No. (i.'loO. XOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEX that j in pursuance of an Act of Congress approved May 10. 1S72. Gibson A. Marr. whose post-office address is Salt Lake City. Utah, has made application ap-plication for an United States Patent for the Gulch and Switch Lode Mining Min-ing Claims, situated in San Francisco 1 Mining District, Beaver County, Utah, consisting of. 1500 linear feet on the : Gulch Lode and 1,434.3 linear feet t on the Switch Lode, the same being North 0 degrees 11 minutea East, : .".."..ii feet, and south u degrees 41 mil ulcs West. 1445. 0 feet on sail! O.ieh Lode, and South 13 degree i j 13 minutes East. 52.5 feet ami .North j 1 1j degrees, 15 minutes West, 7el,2 j fei t; thence N'orih 2 degrees 50 minute; min-ute; East. tlSO.ti feet on said Switch Lode from the respective discovery 'shaits thereon, and surface ground i ', tor the convenience working thereo: ( being .Mineral Survey Xo. lieuO, and j described in the official plat and. in j the lield notes on file in the office or j the ltogisti-r of the District of Land i sui'icct to sale at Salt Lake City, j Utah, as follows, to-wit: ; With magnetic variation 1G degrees. de-grees. 50 minutes East. I (illicit Lode. Beginning at corner X'o. 1 of tite Claim, whence corner to Seonons 23. 24. 25 and 20, Township 27 South. Range 13 West, Salt Lake Base and ! .Veri'iian, hears Soulii 23 degrees j 2 minutes East, 773.3 feet, and ltni- niug thence South S3 degrees lti minutes East, 575.5 feel to Corner N'o. 2. said Corner being on a line j bet ween Corners X'os. 1 and 2 of I the Castle Hock Lode.' Survey Xo. ! j 'i2u2 at South 52 degrees 30 min- ! lutes Emit, 803.4 feet from Corner I ; N'o. 2; thence North 0 degrees el ! ! minutes East, 1 .3 ' 1 0 feet to Corner! j No. 3. identical with Corner Xo. 2 j of the Switch Lode. Survey Xo. 6356; j thence North 8 5 degrees 10 minutes j West, 575.5 feet to Corner No. 4. j identical with Corner Xo. 1 of the i Switch Lode, Survey No. 6:156, and i identical with Corner -No. 2 of the Hope Lode. Lot Xo. 54; thence South 0 degrees 41 minutes West, 1500 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning, begin-ning, containing 19.761 acres. Expressly saving and excepting therefrom, however, the area of 5. 586 i acres in conflict with the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter 01 Section 24, Township 27 South. Range 13 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridan, and the further area of S.5 7 3 acres in conflict with the Castle Cas-tle Rock Lode, Survey Xo. 6202s (exclusive (ex-clusive of its conflict with the Northwest North-west quarter of the Southwest quarter quart-er of Section 24, Township 27 South. Range 13 West) leaving a net area of 5.604 acres. ' 1 Styitcli Loile. Beginning at Corner No. 1, identical identi-cal with Corner No. 4 of the Gulch Lode, Survey No. 6356, and identical with Corner No. 2 of the Hope Lode, Lot No. S4, whence Corner of Sections Sec-tions 23,' 24, 25 and 26, Township 27 South, Range 13 West. Salt Lake Base ' and Meridian, bears South 7 degree 20 minutes East. 2229.8 feet, and running thence South S5 degrees 10 minutes East, 575.5 feet to Corner Cor-ner No. 2, identical with Corner No. 3 of the Gulch Lode. Survey No. 6356; thence North 13 degrees 15 minutes West, 753.7 feet to Corner No. 3; thence North 2 degrees 50 minutes East, 6S0.6 feet to Corner No. 4; thence North 85 degrees 19 minutes' West. 6 00 feet to Corner No. 5. identical with Corner No. 4 of the Hope Lode, Lot No. 54, and with Corner No. 4 of the Sumner Lode, Lot No. 74; thence South 2 degrees 50 minutes West, 680.6 feet to Corner Cor-ner No. 6; identical with Corner No. 3, Lot 54, Hope Lode;thence South 15 degrees o minutes East 761.6 feet to Corner No. 1, the place of beginning, be-ginning, containing 19.046 acres. Expressly Ex-pressly saving and excepting therefrom, there-from, however, the area of 2.463 acres in conflict with the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 24, and the further area of 2.966 acres in conflict with the South half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 24, Township 27 South, Range 13 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridan, leaving a net area of 13.617 acres. The adjoining and conflicting claims as shown by the plat of survey sur-vey are the Castle Rock Lode, Stir-, vey No. 6202, the Hope Lode, Lot No. 54, and the Sumner Lode, Lot No. 74. I direct that this Notice be published pub-lished in the Beaver County News' at Milford, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. Date of first publication September 29. 1916. Date of last publication November 24, 1016. |