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Show rROPOSKlJ AI1SXD11KXT TO THE co sTiTiTiox. norsrc .toixt res- OI.ITIOX XI Ml!i:il SIX. A Joint Resolution providing an amend meat to Section 17. Article 7, of the Constitution of the Slate of Utah, rchuiiuv to iho duties of the Auditor and of the Treasurer. Be it enacted by the Legislature of. the State of Utah: Two-thirds of all the members elected elect-ed to cacti of the two Houses concur. rhe-r therein: b'eclien 1. That It is proposed to. amend Section 17. Article 7, of tne Con- ' stitclien of ibe Stale el' Utah, so that the same will read as follows: 17. Ti-e Auditor ssall be Amiitor of public a. 'counts. The public moneys shall be c-posieal by the Troisoreiv ir.ub-r the sni ervision of the Hoard of Kxaniinei's. anil :is provided ey law. Sec. L The Secretary of State is hereby directed to submit Ibis prepos- i ed amendment to t lie electors of the Stale -it li e net uenei-il eiecti-m in the aeaiccr ci-eviie d by law. See ::. If adopt-sl '-v the cleciors oi , the Sl.ile. this caiondment sh.iil take effect .beirsrv 1. 1 : I 7 . Approved March 17th. 11HS. ST TV. Ill-' 1 T VII. si:r::' 'i' hy in-' mti. opvtn-:. I. Dav.il .Ms rso-i. .t..,.ro..iry "f St.it! of tile S'cie of V' d:. lie iieiety fertile ferti-le tli.it me t. rese-m: 's a fed. trt-.,- am' con- t cocv of iwst: joixt r.iisn- Ll'T'iiX Xi'M'tl-:;: St X --pvov ..t : n-- c.n amcmiment to Se- limi 17. Article 7. nt llie I'onsiii'ji -ii: of t'-.e Stat-- of Uia'a velaliiie lo i!ie e'Ub.-s of Ice '.-ad:or ami the 'i r ' 'sc: r. -is c.epe.irs o :' ree- In W'.l-ie-s W'her-ef. 1 cave hcrc-;nto set he- I c:-1 :if:'e.i tic1 ilr -t Seal of U:e S-.cle of t't.dl, ties L'nd ila" ot Aiuisst. 1!!6. ;i 'i:i M AT":' SOX. .-. reee. y of s:.ue. |