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Show Legal Department XO'J'H 1-; OF .M'I'I.K '.' I IO. 1 (Jit l. s. iwi i:.vj . Survey No. ; 1 1 ; Serial .So. Hir,-:ir, Hir,-:ir, L. S. Land Ollire, Sail Lake ( liy, Itali,: Sejil. I I, 1!H(1. NOTK'iO is hereby iven that, in pursuance of fin- A-l oi f'onress a proved .;ay 10. 1S72, .Millord Aler-canlile Aler-canlile ('iiniii;iiiy, a corporal ion.. Whoso po ll ot'tice ailll'lss is .Uilt'ol'ii, l.'lali, hy 1'. ('. Kvans Its attorney in lact, has ntide appoi ..it ion ii.r a patent, pat-ent, fur rjn.i; linear l'ci-i on the Dululh I. otic, 1 l:ti;.T linear feet on tne ImhiMi No. 1 l.ode. land linear feel on I tic I)nln:ti No. 11 Lode and lain) linear f"et on tin' Hasten l.ode, i ll bearing j-'i'ld and- silver with surface sur-face Ki'o"nd lion loci in width on each lodo or claim and di scribed by meets and bounds as I'olluva:; manner man-ner ie v;i rial ion 17 decrees :'.' :.: :i-: :i-: ut.es Kasl : Itej.inninK at corner ."o. J of the lloslon Lode wiicnce hi1 colliiron cor.e-r oi Section '', 17, Ltd aad 21. T. S.. It. 11 W.. S. I-. IS. H. M. betirs X. ..ii decrees tin minutes, Id seconds West 2 I ii T.Sti fei't: lljcnce X. 7a di'i.re: s r 1 minutes Kasf Lr.dO feet to rct'iii i' Xo. 2 lloslon laUe: thence S. 1-1 dc;iees !i isiiiiitr-i 10. U)0 feci to corner Xo. r.oston Lode: t tn nee S. 7 decrees ."ii minutes min-utes W. -71!(t.ti feet lo corner Xo. 4 Dlllllih l.ode; thence X. 1 -I di",Tcos !i ininulcs W. 4 14.72 feet to u point int"rseci itiK tile souUicnsf, end lino of Iniliilh N'o. I Lode; thenco S. til (tot-irt es I I iiiiniites W. 13. 2 8 iVet to corner Xo. :- Ihiluth Xo. 1; thence X. 42 decrees f,o minutes V. 1. 4 116.7 feet lo corner Xo. 1 Duluth N'o. 1 ; thence S. ill degrees 14 minutes W. 4N.H7 feet to corner Xo. 2 Dululh Xo .2: thence X. til degrees "a minutes min-utes W. 7 8 2.1 ! feel to corner Xo. 3 Duluth No. 2; thence N. 23 degrees 1G itiinules TOli.liti feet to corner cor-ner N'o. -! Duluth Xo. 2; thence X. fil dem'ees 14 minutes E. (i 0 2 . 7 1; feet to corner No, 3 Dululh Xo. 2; thence S. 2'1 d!o'--,-s. It! ntins. K. 532. DS feet to eorier N'o, (i Duluth Xo. 2; thence S. li 1 decrees 113 minutes E. fli;u.!)2 . feet lo corner Xo. 1. Duluth Xo. 2; thence S. li 1 degrees 14 minules X. 4 S . !' 7 toe; to corner Xo. 1 Duluth Xo. 1: llier.co S. 42 decrees 5i) minutes min-utes iv 1 -137.117 feet to tile in tersec-tion tersec-tion of the ooiihwost line of Duluth; tlionco N. 75 degrees 51. minutes E. (157,75 i'eet to th place of beginning, begin-ning, situate in i'.eaver Lake Mining District,: Heaver County. Slate of Utah, anil described by the official plat and by the lipid notes 'on file in the office of the register of the Salt Lake Land .District, Utah, containing 8.655 acres. Excepting an excluding from this application all that portion of the ground embraced in mining claim or survey designated as the Martha Survey Xo. 5012, containing 2.147 Acres, and area in conflict with Duluth Du-luth Xo. 1 Lode 1.454 Acres. Xet area applied for 75.054 Acres. Said claims form a portion of the North of Section 21. the Northeast Vt of Section 20 and the Southeast of Section 17, Township 2G South, Range' 11 West. S. L. R. & M. The names of the adjoining and conflicting claims as shown, by the plat of survey are the Alice S. Lode on the Northwest and the Martha Lode Survey Xo. 5012 in conflict with Duluth No. 2 Lode. I direct this notice be published in The Beaver County News at Milford, Utah, for the period of nine consecutive con-secutive weeks. GOULD B. BLAKELY. Register. Date of first publication September Septem-ber 20, Date of last publication November 17. |