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Show ITEMS GATHERED HERE AND THERE UKKVITIKS OK l'MOI'MC AMI 10VKXTS L. J. Anient, of Frisco, spout his day of rest in Milford, returning on Monday to the mountain town. Ken Bringhurst, of St. George, was a Sunday visitor in Milford, registering reg-istering at The Milford. A. B. Williams, of Moscow, spent Sunday in Milford, taking his Sunday Sun-day dinner at The Milford. W. C. Dinwiddie, of Kada, transacted trans-acted business here Monday, returning return-ing to his home the same day. Newhouse was represented on the out-of-town visitors' list by Thos. Gillespie, who was in town Monday. J. H. Burke, for a short time linotype lino-type man of the News, departed for Salt Lake yesterday. Sheriff Cutler was in Milford i Tuesday morning, taking the train for Salt Lake on a business trip. W. T. Hummel and family of the Project removed this week to California. L. Richards was a Milford visitor from Garfield Sunday, registering at The Milford. Wm. Dobson, Jr., the hustling local lo-cal merchant, returned Wednesday from Salt Lake, whither he went last week on a purchasing trip. j H. E. Diehele, of the Beaver River Power Co., spent Wednesday in Milford, Mil-ford, on business connected with his company. W. A. Swerdfeger and family, who have resided On the Project for a year or two, departed this week for California, where they will reside in the future. Principal I. D. Stewart, of the Minersville schools, was a visitor in .vMI'ord a few days ago. The Embroidery Club met last Friday at the home of Mrs. Addams and an afternoon of social enjoyment was spent by the members present. One week from today the club will hold its next meeting. Mrs. F. T. Leonard, of Salt Lake, who has been visiting in the family of Garret Wilkin for some time, was called home this week, on account of the illness of her grandmother, Mrs. Thompson. M. L. Kelley and Lew Merriman, of Eureka, interested in Beaver County mines, were guests 1 at the Milford Sunday. Mrs. Charles H. Stanton, of the Project, left for California the first of the week. Mr. Stanton will follow fol-low in a few days, and the family will make their permanent home in that state. John Matson and Willard Hansen, prominent mining men of Salt Lake, were in Milford Wednesday, later visiting the Antelope Star mine, in which both are interested. The Catholic Ladies' Aid Society met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. La Tourette, where a pleasant and profitable afternoon was spent. This society has but recently been organized and is doing good work. The organization will meet weekly, at the homes of the members. Maurice Brooks of Kanab, brother of our local druggist, L. W. BrookB, has been in charge of the local store druing the proprietor's absence on a deer hunting trip, from which he has just returned. Attorney O. A. Murdock, of Heaver, Heav-er, was in Milford the first part of the week looking after political "fences." Mr. Murdock is a candidate candi-date for the ollicc of District Attorney Attor-ney and as he is a Heaver man believes be-lieves himself entitled to the support of Beaver County voters. Mrs. R. Gorniley. of Fargo. South Dakota, arrived Monday, on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Henry Jefferson. After a few days spent here. Mrs. Gormley, accompanied by Mrs. McDonald, Mc-Donald, her mother, who has been visiting the latter's daughter, Mrs. Jefferson, for some time, will depart for Idaho, where a short visit with, another sister will be made before returning East. D. Todd, Ben C. Rich, J. W. Cram and Wm. McGhan, of Salt Lake, were in Milford the first of the week, and inspected mining properties in which they are interested. Andrew Morris, Republican County Coun-ty Chairman; Wm. Robison 'and E. O. Puffer, of Beaver, were in Milford the first few days of this week. Mr. Puffer is the Republican candidate for Sheriff, and was, in company with Mr. Morris and Mr. Robison, "feeling out" the political situation in this section of the county. Mr. Puffer has served the county acceptably as Sheriff, some years ago, and is the right man for the place. He should be elected by a large majority. |