Show Monuments Will Mark Mark historical Historical caI Spots ts of State Dedication of Three Shafts Set During Pioneer Day 24 23 on July Dedication of three monuments at al points that played an important parlin part parl partin in the settling of Utah by the Mormon pioneers will be a feature of the two two- day celebration of Pioneer day July 23 and 24 Dedication of at each monument will willbe willbe be participated in by officials of the thc L. L D. D S. S church the Pioneer Trails Traits and Landmarks association the Boy Scouts and the Vanguard association George Albert Smith president of the Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association association asso asso- association will preside at each dedication dedica tion lion assisted by John D. D Giles Glies secre secre- tary Marking the spot where the Salt Sail Lake pioneers built their first fort for fortIn In the summer of 1847 a monument will be dedicated In Pioneer park at 1130 a. a m m. m Sunda Sunday July 23 The monument consists of a granite shaft mounted on a granite base A bronze plaque will tell the history of the spot r PARTICIPANTS ANTS Participating in the dedication will willbe willbe be Boy Doy Scouts members members' of the Vanguard Vanguard Vanguard Van Van- guard association and officials of the i L. L D. D S S. S Pioneer stake At 10 a. a m. m Monday July 24 24 a monument will be dedicated on the site of ot Calls Call's fort seven miles north of Brigham City It was this point I Ithen then thea the northernmost part of ot Utah that Anson Call at the suggestion oi of Brigham Young built an outpost for forthe forthe forthe the Mormon settlement to ward of oft off Indian attacks Following the dedication members of the families of Anson Homer and Omer Orner Call will have their annual family lam fam ily fly reunion The dedication Is expected to be attended attended at at- tended by a large number of Box Elder Elder El El- der county residents I Climaxing the celebration which marks the arrival of the pioneers in inthe inthe the Salt Lake valley on July 24 1847 will ill be the dedication at 4 p p. m. m July 24 of a monument on the summit ol ot Big mountain which is 16 miles east easl of Salt Lake between Mountain Dell Delland Delland Delland and East t canyon This monument will mark the spot where the pioneers caught their first glimpse of the Salt Lake valley Later this same trail was followed by the gold seekers of f 1849 the pioneer pio neer stage coach lines the old pony express riders the handcart pioneers and other western settlers It was first traveled travel cd by the Donner Dormer party in 1846 |