Show I Carpenters Protest Repair Work Wages Carpenters employed by the Orndorff Orn Orne dorff dorf Construction company for repair re repair re- re re pair work at the veterans' veterans hospital are being paid pad on ona a piece work basis that enables many may of them to make only 1 a day according to a letter leter o of protest sent by the Building Trades Tades council counci of Salt Sat Lake Le to t General Frank Fa T. T Hines head of the veterans' veterans bureau in i Washington Wahington The letter which was signed by F F. A. A Noller Noler secretary of the council asked that General Hines take te steps to see that carpenters at work at the hospital be given the prevailing wage for carpenters at once The Te work at the hospital the letter leter says consists of replacing doors Many of ot the doors are arc Unusually unusually un un- usually large and heavy and it requires requires re reo re- re quires a full ful day to replace one Carpenters Carpenters Car Car- penters are being paid 1 per door Mr Noller Noler said a |