Show Sun StIn Is Described As Simply Spark In Huge Pinwheel I Our sun is ls a spark in a vast celestial celestial celes celes- hal pinwheel whirling ng about a center center cen cen- ter we earthlings cannot see This sums up in m a sentence the thesis thesis thesis the the- sis si-s advanced before the meeting of ot the American Astronomical society in Chicago by Professor Alfred H. H Joy of the Mount Wilson observatory of ot the Carnegie Institution of or Washing Washing- ton Professor Joy has been making careful careful care care- ful lul measurements of ot the rate and di direction direction dl- dl of ot movement of ot a large number number number num num- ber of or stars and has found lound evidence that the great wheel shaped swarm of stars of ot which our sun un Is a member member mem morn ber is a rotating wheel According to his calculations It takes some years for it to make one complete turn We cannot see the thc hub of ot our great celestial pinwheel although Professor Joy has worked out a fairly definite idea in which direction it lies Not that it is too far away we can see sec ob objects objects objects ob- ob in space thousands of times farther farther far far- ther thor removed But there ore are dark cark clouds of at light-absorbing light stuff in the spaces between the stars and it seems likely that there is enough of or this obscuring material between us and the hub of or our own particular universe universe universe uni uni- verse to eclipse it entirely from our eyes even when aided with the best astronomical equipment now avail avail- able |