Show Tiny Dog Disappears As Motorist Sleeps Will everybody pl please ase look in their vest pocket and see sec if it they can find Chicago Chicago disappeared early Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day morning while his owner W. W J. J Dugan of the thc Newhouse hotel was asleep in his automobile If I dont don't have Chicago with mo me when I go for my son JimmIe in Pocatello Pocatello Po- Po catello next week the boy will nev never r forgive me Mr Dugan sold police in case curious Chicago case you are ares is a Chihuahua dog that weighs weigh less leu than a pound is seven inches long and nd four inches high high and and hes he's full fuU grown n gro Mr D Dugan gan says he is tho the smallest dog in Utah and theres there's no argument |