Show Two Prove Heroes In Saving Children VVe West tHigh High Graduates Prevent Dr During Past Week Two former West high school students students students stu stu- dents both young men proved themselves themselves them selves heroes during the past w week ek and by the same means Each saved a small child from drowning No Hope Hole in the Jordan river was cheated of its fourth victim victim vic vie tim Friday afternoon when Earl Ear Cochran 19 son of Mr and Mrs Hubert Cochran ochran plunged into the stream and swam swain to safety with 2 year old Wayne Larson son of Mrs J. J Larson Cochran lives at nt South Ninth West Vest street and the Larson baby lives in the neighboring house at number num nurn- ber on the same street The rescue was made at the bend bendot of ot the river between Filth Fifth and Sixth South streets lo long g known as one of ot the most dangerous stretches of the l' l river ver In past years three other children have lost their lives in the identical spot residents of the neighborhood neighborhood neigh neigh- stated RUSHES TO RIVER Young Cochran was in his home when his sister sistar r came running f for r help screaming that little Wayne had fallen in the thc river rIver and and was being carried car car car- ned ried down stream He rushed from the house through the back yard dived into the swift foot eight deepwater deepwater deep deepwater water and nd caught the baby as the eddy was was' carrying him under for forthe the third time Ume Wayne Wane was unconscious unconscious when brought to shore but vas so soon n revived and Saturday morning was playing happily in his own back yard The Friday plunge into the Jordan Jordan Jor Jor- dan w was s not Cochrans Cochran's first life saving saving saying sav say ing performance Eight years ago his young young brother fell in No UNo Hope Hole on New Years Year's day and was brought to safety by Earl Cochran w was graduated from the West high school two years ago No less courageous was wao the rescue made last Monday morning by Spencer Span Spen Robinson 24 son of Mr and arid Mrs C. C A. A Robinson 1022 Princeton avenue ave aye nue word of which was brought to Salt Lake Friday afternoon by T. T G. G Faulkner BRAVES VES RIVER Robinson dived into a treacherous part of the Duchesne river near the Faulkner cattle ranch at Hanna Utah and carried Lyla Dee Richard RichardS s son n year old ld daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Richardson of Woods Cross safely to shore hore The Richardson family was on a fishing trip and arid camped in a a- a grove near the Faulkner ranch Lyla was playing on the banks of the river Suddenly Sud denly she missed her footing and falling into the river rivel was quickly carried car car- ried ned to midstream m. m Attracted by the screams for help of the childs child's mother Robinson who was half hal haifa a block away raced toward the river and fully clad plunged in and swam for the child By the time he reached her she bad been carried more than yards down downstream downstream stream Robinson who was graduated from the West high school in 1926 has b been en engaged during the summer months in running the cattle ranch for tor Mr Faulkner Prior to that time he was a machinists machinist's helper at the Denver Rio Grande railroad shops in Salt Lake |