Show 4 AH BONE DRY IN THE LA 52 DOWNTOWN S. S L. L PLACES I. I SELL 32 J Least Dozen Well Known I Brews Available Just Juit for the Asking ems ins DJ click and over parched pal pal- o down thirsty throats gurgles a aling ling ingi colored amber-colored liquid some some states Its It's known 35 as beer In n Utah there is s no beer l legally gally Utah is a bone dry prohibition tit ert by statute ut r- r at ar are arc thirsty after 17 years o of prohibition and andas as a are re- re there Is a golden olden yellow flood floodIng floodIng Ing Into the arid sands of or this v. v 1 state hat grand crand old gentleman Uncle says i i says the beverage is legal He Helit lit beer and reaps a silver harvest n nt nits its sale my any ny of his children 33 children 33 states states- I call aIl the beverage legal and joy joy- glisten listen to the the symphony of silver jeer eer tax dollars dollars' jingle into the thes ers ers s of the commonwealths ut qt i in Utah there is no beer for l h his Is a bone dry state here are no beer gardens in Salt Salte e or r any my other Utah city where man man bands pIa play drinking songs barmaids draw a draft of golden T IT LIKE OLD DAYS in Salt Lake there are arc arely ly IY locked doors with peep holes ly y back rooms many cafes and and many many confectionery cs es where beer flows as in the thel I l da days s while bootleggers whose ks rumble over Utah's highways s 's a golden harvest survey conducted b by The Telen Tele- Tele n TV revealed reveal d 52 open open beer bars in business district bars where you put your foot o on a brass rail as asro ro rote ore I here are at least a dozen varieties 2 2 per cent beer which the federal I eminent has hils legalized av available in Lake in spite of the fact Utah's provides that only beves beves bevies bev bev- ies es containing not more nore than one one- onel onelo o of 1 per cent alcohol by volume rl be be sold in the state Utah is bone dr dry the ther r business booms Highways are ared ared ared d with beer trucks which rumble rom roni wet states after alter having left I 1 l Utah dollars behind who formerly coned coned con con- ed themselves in back backrooms rooms and andy y hangouts have entered a new 1 I. In many of Salt Lakes Lake's beer is sold quite openly and pro pro- tors have report reported d its sale has other trade SN N RAPIDLY rapidly have new beer joints lIed led that law enforcement has hasi i 1 hampered The startling has been made that no arrests 4 been made at any anyone one of the 52 es Cs were beer is sold Only a few have been made for m n of beer and in one instance the attitude of justice was indi- indi d ci when a judge sentenced a vior vio- vio r to pay a fine of 10 nd ad so the beer flood pushes its into hotels into restaurants into IS s 5 into speakeasies leaving a aIs Is Js of ot l lax x enforcement and wiry un un- iry ry r conditions while Utah gets not penny o of revenue from its sale some ambiguous m n of Utah's bone dry al amendment beer Is d by the Becker Products comy com com- y y in Ogden for sale in wet wel terry terry tery ter ter- ter- ter ry y outside the slates stateS state slate s 5 manufacture In Utah is legal un un- the Huggins beer bill but its sale within the state Yet kers ker's beer is one of the most pop pop- brands on salem sale in Salt Lake pro tors tars of beer dispensing establish establish- its ts agree ow does docs the beer cr get gel into Salt Salte e c Is it shipped out of the state back again Does it come into city directly from Ogden tah's tabs legislature will convene in rial ial session Monday to provide for of the states state's prohibition Meanwhile Salt Lake Lakeness ness mess men unwilling to allow beer beerts lits ts to flow into other states arc are arcag areng ng ag the new brew illegally illegally and and brewers vers in other states reaping handsome handsom profits FILLED of wet states are arc being d with tax money from beer sold bone dry Utah and this states state's sury is without the re revenue that ld Id be obtained 1 if its sale were le- le here eer er sells for various prices When first flood struck Salt Lake more i I. a month ago 10 and ounce 12 bot bot- sold for as high as 40 cents each nce nee that time timea a price war has hasi i 1 i indulged in by Ih beer dispensers the new brew now retails for as asas asas asas as 25 cents a bottle and ranges 0 o cents and 35 cents a bottle eaters obtain the beer from dis- dis for slightly more than 16 a a bottle It wholesales for c case se of 24 bottles and distributors ind nd 50 c cents for the case of plies s unlimited quantities of cl Gleaming bottles of the brew pt thirsty palates in back rooms ind mci bars in in restaurants and other es bearing such labels as Che rhe World Renowned Budweiser ler Ier r Beer Beckers Becker's Best Pale Beer Premium I lily my Blatz Blata lab Old Heidelberg Beer lab Blatz Bohemian Beer tho Beer that Made Mil- Mil II free ee Famous Golden Beer Bd id many another |