Show FACTOR KIDNAP CASE CAS BECOMES COMPLICATED TED England Claims Hoax Demands Demands Demands De De- De- De mands U. U S. S Produce Accused Swindler tar Br Dr Associated Press CHICAGO CHICAG July 8 New 8 New complications tons ons were injected today into the already al at- ready eady complicated case of Chicago's missing issing stock broker John broker Jonn Factor- Factor when hen the British government asked for or his apprehension in i the b belief be be- lief he is trying to escape extradition to o England The demand for his capture was made ade by the British consul Lewis Bernays and Attorney Franklin R R. representing the British Brish crown rown said the request was made ade of Melvin Purvis head of the Chicago office ofie of the United States bureau of investigation I Its up to the United States now to o produce was quoted as a saying Factor is wanted In England where he je is i accused of having swindled BritIsh Brith Brit Brit- Brt- Brt ish h Investors out of and an n appeal ppe 1 b by Factor to prevent ex- ex tradition is now pending in i the te United States tales supreme court The representatives of Great Britain Brit- Brit ala ain in said they were convinced Factors Factor's Factors Factor's Fac- Fac tors tor's disappearance a we week k ago today when hen he was reported seized by armed men after ater leaving an outlying roadhouse was a hoax designed to prevent his return to England They added they believed that the reported of Factors Factor's year old son Jerome last spring was merely a prelude to his fathers father's disappearance The missing mans man's friends however howver how how- ever ver scoffed at the suggestion he had dropped from sight sigh to escape going to England Meanwhile speculation as to Factors Factor's Fac- Fac tars ors whereabouts took on new life le with a fr fresh sh batch bath of reports One On of the latest grew out of the finding of a note In Eufaula Okla OkIa signed Jake the Barber saying the writer wrier was as held by Al A Capone henchmen Factor actor was wa once a Halsted Halted street barber barer bar bar- ber er who reputedly made big money as a speculator I |