Show I I Presidents President's Son SonIn SonIn SonIn In Baseball Deal BOSTON July 8 UP The UP-The The name of Pr President Roosevelt's Roosevelt eldest son lames James was mentioned toda today In published pub fished reports of a reputed nI ration tation plan under which Judge Emil E. E Fuchs would regain full control of the he Boston Braves It was reported unofficially that Fuchs president of the club for th the past 10 years might buy buyout out the Interests In Interests of his partners Charles CharlesF F. F Adams Ad ams arms and V. V Bruce Wetmore If it he to meet certain terms by July 20 To acquire the stock held by Adams and Wetmore It was report reported ed ed Fuchs would have to pay something something some some- thing like Youn Young Roosevelt was said to be acting act act- ing lug as treasurer for a group of Boston sportsmen seeking to assist Fuchs Fuch No confirmation from Roosevelt himself himself him him- self seU was forthcoming |