Show HEAVY VY REALIZING IS ABSORBED BY BONDS NEW YORK July Jul 8 Heavy P Heavy realizing in secondary Issues prompt prompt- ed cd d by the fast fait fat rise rie of or the week was wa well wel taken by the bond market Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- uday and ad prices ruled firm fim In a few tew cases low priced prIed rails rail dropped back to correct the effects of f too enthusiastic buying earlier earler Inte Inthe in inic the te ic week but generally carrier carier loans gave ave a good account of ot themselves In industrial and utility divisions division price prie rice swings swing were comparatively narow narrow nar nar- ow row rw with the main mai trend improved Postal Post Telegraph 55 B. B F. F Goodrich company 6 a l 12 Lautaro Nitrate Cs 6 Shell hell Shel Union Oil Oi 55 and Warner Bros Bras Cs 6 improved from fractions to a point pint Further Furter advances advance in Sterling and French Trench francs in the foreign exchange market brought another wave of buy buy- uy ing ng in the obligations of both coun coun- trie tries ries but after pushing to new high levels prices pries receded rather rater sharply under profit taking Most other for for- ign eign eig issues were steady U. U S. S.- governments were narrowly mixed I |