Show ROOSEVELT APPEALS FOR DRY LAW LA r W END ENO STATE ACTION IS I'S REQUESTED B BY PRESIDENT President Makes Public Telegram Telegram Tele Tele- gram to Alabama Bourbon Leader RECALLS PARTY'S PLEDGE Expresses Desire to Give Message Message Mes Mes- sage to Nation 8 Br Associated Press WASHINGTON July 8 President 8 Roosevelt today made a public appeal appeal ap ap- ap peal for repeal or the the eighteenth amendment The president made the appeal in ina a telegram to Leon McCord the pem- pem nati national hal committeeman for Alabama where a repeal election will willbe willbe be held shortly I 1 think I have made it abundantly abundant abundant- ly Iy clear the telegram said that he the platform of the Democratic party adopted last year should be carried out insofar as it lies in our pow power r. r The telegram was in response toan to toan toan an inquiry from McCord Noting that hat he had received simil similar r inquiries from rom other southern states including Tennessee Arkansas and Kentucky he the president said he thought it well wel to make mak his reply public The prohibition message of at the president reads rends I have received your telegram of July 3 in reference to the repeal of the eighteenth nth amendment I think I have made it nb abundant abundant- ly y clear that the platform of the Democratic party adopted last year should hould be carried out insofar as it lies ies in our power The special session ses- ses es sion ion of the congress has alread already translated translated trans- trans Into law a great majority of the he pledges made One of the pledges of the platform read as follows We advocate the repeal reseal re re- peal seal of the eighteenth amendment To affect such repeal we demand that congress immediately propose a constitutional con con- amendment conventions in the states called to act solely on that proposal The congress has acted on this anc and many nany of the states are now engaged in n holding elections for the conventions conven convene ions proposed Finally I have made it clear ever since my nomination a year ago t that hat hatI I subscribe to the Democratic platform platform plat plat- form per cent In view of the fact that I have had so great a number of telegrams simi simi- tar lar ar to yours not only from your state but ut from Tennessee Arkansas K Kentucky Ken Ken- n. n tucky lucky and others I am taking the Jib lib liberty erty erly of ot giving this message to you t to the he press Sincerely FRANKLIN D. D ROOSEVELT |