Show Juniors i Beat Auto Nine j. j f AMERICAN AunICA LEGION LEAGUE L A 1 L I Team Tum I Oj Won LotU LoL Pet ks s oln a Loll i so j je e ea s 3 2 oo 00 thine Bakery 3 11 3 Oil Oll 4 G 5 40 J. J Auto r-Auto uto Market MarkeL 2 9 II 1112 finals 1 11 I. I anshine Bakery handed Bills Bill's BUlso o 0 Market a a. 2 15 defeat in the only rican ican legion junior baseball game gamed d Friday co o Oil won by forfeit from the inn mn n Sunshine twirler allowed two hits The losers scored both in the seventh on errors ey y Sunshine second sacker poled home run with two mates aboard ie second frame |