Show MRS MOODY ON THRONE AGAIN American Star Suffers First Loss Set Since 1927 I to Miss Round WIMBLEDON England July 8 R IP Mrs Helen Wills Moody successful successful- ly y defended her Wimbledon championship cham t today 0 day against Miss Dorothy Doro th thy Round 6 4 6 6 8 6 8 k 3 6 after losing her first set in women's s sin i n g I 1 esin os es competition C S tion in six years f While ft the victory vie vic Jf tory which gave rb 1 Mrs 11 1 d h her v rs Moody y er cg v U v w sixth sith Wimbledon j women's sin singles g 1 e s 0 U crown and equaled ti K t. t the record recerd set by byl byli i r Suzanne Lenglen Lengle WU 7 was generally expected ex the opposition opposition 4 JUon tion provided byL by L L M. M Round En En- Mrs l Moody loody glands gland's s second e c con o n d ranked woman player provided an unexpected sensation for the king and queen of England and the throngs that packed the stands Not since Gwynneth Sterry British girl won von a set from her In an early round of the first Wimbledon title Mrs Moody won in 1927 has the California girl won by anything but straight sets in women's singles competition PRESSED AMERICAN Miss Round a clever stylist with a beautifully rounded game gave the American queen of tennis a thrilling battle and Mrs Mood Moody scarcely ever pressed in title competition in the past half dozen years needed all her severity of ot stroking and control to pull out the victory In doing so she saved one of the two tv great singles championships the themen themen men nen and women stars of the world have been battling for here through two weeks of pia play Ellsworth Vines leader of the United States cup forc forces went down to defeat in defense of the themen's themen's themen's mens men's singles crown yesterday losing to Lo Jack Crawford brilliant Australian Austra lian han in five ive bitter sets Mrs 1 Moody previously had won the Wimbledon women's singles title in 1927 1928 1929 1930 and 1932 The tremendous improvement in Miss Rounds Round's game now one of the most versatile in women's ranks was demonstrated by her advance to this years year's finals Beaten last year in the quarterfinals by Mrs Mood Moody who dropped but one game to her in two sets Miss Round trounced Helen Jacobs United States champion In three sets this tills year car to win her chance against Mrs Moody Miss Jacobs played Mrs Moody for forthe forthe the thc title last year Miss Round never before had reached the singles final here and was eliminated in the fifth round in 1931 She has been a consistently fine player however in Wightman cup competition Jean Borotra and Jacques Brugnon veteran French pair and defending champions won the first of ot the doubles doubles dou dou- bles finals defeating Jiro and of Japan 6 4 6 3 3 6 7 5 for the mens men's title |