Show ALI all Is not coat coal that hat Is black the screening process in use by the utah fuel co cc at its mines is tho the last word in up to the minute equipment ia ts the best that money cin cm buy THE BUYER OF EITHER LITHER CASTLE GA GATE OR CLEAR JUJU C CREEK R EEK COALS COATS is assured that he will act coal just as clean and free from foreign clement element as it is possible to produce and incidentally he lie will get an extremely high heib beit he be ib it value low asli and ito moisture castle gate and clear creek have repeatedly made good for over 25 years the best of the good ones ASK YOUR DEALER BUY COAL NOW I 1 ailed and shipped exclusively by utah fuel F U C AM ra co aj i 1116 HORSE TO WATER T but ou cant intile him drink lead bour 5 our borse home to some soule of our feed and ani aou ou cant stop him front from cut tig his halse hal se sense tells him fl E that the feed is vi jn in t what ho he dinall ants 4 and needs your horse hense should indle yon you to try such superior fee feel 1 e as US it lost cost ati more inore PRICE commission CO figure not by the P pair a r bu but t bv the year in lit aming shoes or lio lie able to set get it i licup teat artitles but it is not die cheap if iju haie to replace it in 11 few flav acks aar better buy a good antii article le nt at it Iti glier price inid mid liviu it lat last until boll liae liane putten gotten full value out olit of it chethel Whet liei in ili bearing apparel or other roods gond 4 wo we bu hu those things leilh ire are elicati est 1 the tar ar than loeft in price it is our du to noll to do so carbon emery stores co mohrland mercantile co STORES at hiawatha black hawk mohrland and aciner TA T A I 1 77 A AN APPETITE FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT IS BORM IN ONE IE it til it appetite is not proper properly Ir cared for nothing v ill taste right it aon in tim tan find the list kit K it the grocery mir mtr lct ket try its for it wink arid nd pee see for u out belf grcen ali HIM tc tipe buy thiern 11 I 1 the crate at 2 SO culb PY bellil ah 21 pk ilk aai klugt in ht A T A it arted 1 pk ik 4 2 evil dimel jilt bratic ht 1111 ite 1 cat afuli it 21 2 x lan an linneer li ineer brind cunial I 1 sta G 1 eith balat S j no I 1 premium Cho rolah per par pound 60 I tea lipton h s yellow 1 por foffe Off te iHn full blended blend td freyli ril riltia demid taid su ct cot 5 our mon 1 ack ik if ff not per p und aft C Y g bubl i lay 1 in yur your sup supply loly 1111 b 1 lle ille life lase iet let in CIL rid diehi I 1 ih flint ting iiii tatia libin pr doz 10 t to doz 6 rafi io for ifft futility fi lando IK no bing no boil ln bont ont loulies lot lies 10 lo package ful ac W zak |