Show nv new supply of lentils egils en ils pens erasers and lak at abo tb new News advocate of tf goo good d tires ARE THE GREAT JOY OF MOTORING let ab ii look your tirca tires and hiba over and the weak beote we claim to know our busi nm and stand ccady to proe prone it expert 11 x 1 e r t and tiro tire oc of nil till kinds open nights and bundis s shop lut last door north of sa boy 1 oy hotel on rin u ost w side of ninth street LIBERTY tj TIRE AND RADIATOR CO jess je taylor prop pianos player pianos a and DAYNES ji BEEBE MUSIC CO branch store in the LIBERTY LIBERT I 1 r HOTEL BUILDING IL G price phone rj VERY alef VO AD ilef arx wh 1 bell TO YOU 1011 IS 70 if sr laa IRH IRD OME and hive a look gest drawing power in COME at our stock and the the world today pr prices ces before yon buy 1 ET your children a GET E will kill pay your fares 1 now and we ue will W WE or fetch you in the save you from to automobile to pick out no need to spend what you want to buy money goin I 1 to sih lake it ithe most voa yon we have brought salt MUSIC darful and aliv bur big I 1 lak dc city to yon edison diamond Mat ilond disc also columbia puritan Puri and other Tol talking kini P machines A A L LIBERAL I 1 B E A L discount A ALL LL Imet instruments will b ba sold at esy prices will be al allowed loed on all ana easy temu pianos and player pianos LL L instruments sold for the next ten d days tys in AL awill will be delivered to honor bona of df the your homo home at our expense I 1 i 1 far Nu alnese wall us glube he appreciated ly your yours tem nathan flathan If wood and E T to culmer culm er SALESMEN S A mw 91 i W nil tm tori rat ift 6 olt GP kanuh are now itow larger eer e er be fre fare anci and perli perhaps alvi at present tho the high cost of I 1 vin is ri nowhere more strongly felt than in the clotting Clot Ling line wi offet you a reduction price of 0 10 per cent foi fol two aleks so 0 ai to help solve solie your cl clothing othin ft and hoe pt problem for tins this fall DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS SALZ at the BLACKHAWK mercantile IER CANTILE CO HIAWATHA UTAH S show 11 T Us U T S the bovi woman anjan who 11 nut tak tal in in a I 1 new piece f f 11 inre it that dihtia ii liibs t and beniti be bee niti T ill i efel CH V tit t hele t a rot kt ilig choir bed bell I 1 hi lit i arcs cs se dining room alk 11 fr arlit ICH les MUI null 1111 it I 1 ou iu do not 1 hin e rt r ill tl the choh holl al J once onee lut a get vt it 11 allue tiam u every fw f w month months and mi oil keep 3 our hoin IN td and find it ia a great I 1 u the entire fatally let Us choin 1 3 ou some sunia of t ni rl r gaio lu irk fumi turp we now irr haer en oil liall ha t frt art wasatch store co cof inspection alwart invited aati GATZ SUNNy SIDE WINTER QUARTE AND CLEAR CREEK |