Show ECCLES INTERESTS AWARDED COAL LAND IN or orl I 1 i r its 4 rec ree 1 he e I 1 in I 1 rice this cell of a it doe 11 1 1 0 n rendered r II 11 alered by alex 1 T N gollaug 0 gol assistant F rotary of the interior wl leh ich awards tl e EC ee clee cles i 4 it t crests of op lea prior right rights to the section of coal lan ian I 1 in lit carbon coun ty which ha I 1 been claimed 1 the state and by arthur V sweet as I 1 ur chaser of ta alib ian annl I 1 from the state the decision deci aion tie eccles inter later ct permission to complete their lur etheo of the lan lani t from the government tl TI ey ha I 1 joffere off ere I 1 tl TI e claim u anler let the decision Is i sall to belong to leroy beeles george II 11 dail A AMIl lilliarn lain NN bright right an I 1 ti tie e heirs of the estate of george 11 trib the beginning of tho the litigation now ended en led came in lit 1007 when mr nir sweet purel asad the section no 0 o 32 township 13 15 south range 8 e et ait III carbon coun ty ur ir swee a e title was contes teti bv by the united stale on the ground that the tate state dit it ot owa own the lani laul lecaue lc aue it contain contal nl 1 knonk aal an I 1 title to it 1 l could i t ha lie i notel nith ith the tate state mr ir sub eube luent ly 11 the deetion to the I 1 nite nitch I 1 1 tates fuel toini any for 73 M TI tie e sit u ertme court of tl it e I 1 I 1 niti I 1 batts tn tt up held the t he contention contentious of th g ern mint ai a to the lack of alioti ia in the tate state a e title ant an I 1 t mr vr senet |