Show ORDINANCE n ordinance providing for and soft or dering a hel election elc tiou for the tl pur pr pow of submitting to tit alu I electors if th fit of arite itak a it for oration tin butlen len of int arring a tilde tedi olia to 0 o th dioutt rf t dolliro dollars for the tile purpose of extend inn ing and 1 buirel it ravine ving the tai water levil teni and poll securing euring Bc an WR via tvr ter bupt supt ay ile I 1 it ly 1 the ali icv council ef of tin tile elev of 0 price corbe coult coulty lys I 1 f tali sit attim I 1 that theris therb ib en an I 1 i rinsing 1 for s biml boing calar 11 ging perfecting aed and A I 1 ling to the I 1 resent water huppi led tivi etem if eaid said elev and eminar an a additional vater irater f r the purpose i of surviving sur lIving arul ilis dis citing batir to the inhabitant inhabitants thereof illitch alii sold water ovagem asid shall lie 1 w owned mined and awl controlled I 1 iv ir ahl an I 1 to do til in ie uati manner lila 11 for annl am I 1 require requires on an expenditure ff t section 2 that la in I 1 pursuance ursi tance of and under tie power and authority con bained in lit sect lous 11 uw laa of utah 1917 nilo 1 set ions and 71 7 repee tiel compiled Compi leJ lel I 1 law aws of utah it ii or tiered that a special election be hell bell in all sail jav liev of ilice I 1 rice carbon county couii tv I 1 tali on oil the thirtieth day lay of ott I 1 r it 1 1 fr fir the purdom if t sub to sith nh elfter of oil it d kt b as hhall shall ila 1 pa laid a I 1 rope ity tax iu in said tv in th the vear low 1919 the foll mung qulion the 1 question behon ue hon of iMer a beadell indebtedness in the b out MM 0 f howoo for or the partite 14 de braving the expense of improving im enlarging ext exuding ding and sual delac to t the he p 4 ent system ite ei of am mill pitr city bud securing aa an additional water for or the 1 of supply and batir to the in fit fiat liali tent ther eilf which mid paid wil ter mitten and slid water work works lull ie and controlled cout rolled b aid said intent ipolit I 1 aid it bondi hall shall licar ix ar in forest at the rate urt not to ewed fit g which interest lete reet nt lit annual pi HI i per liall be ile ped paid eel an tulla slid mid M io 1 to bohall be of nh such as tile ali it ltv ir hall shall li presiter it tot mittle and aid said ci it shall 11 vide vm for the pAni rt of uk such itt in r test and I thereof dititta tw ta liter imars from date of issue as hv bee lew low bedin fj hii 4 blat wit sail tie t him tion hall be conducted 1 str to the statutes in I 1 laws I 1 f the f I 1 tati tall urd ali te c held RI ril possible 1 in aul sell form ae as pro presided idell lr by law A R tiou 1 i the tile alador and my HP lotfi tir of pali lit aw are diatte dindal I 1 an I 1 required riu irod to maat I 1 11 I 1 lai if f all ail spied 11 ele deletion tion iv ati n ft if atie if f said Olec timi in at leant fie and ad issues of the bin sin e it newspaper of cir printed and suit published akkir in lit nail mail etta of irhe itah th fil t I 1 of sat eail I 1 hotie t ili 1 11 1 I 1 ii it the tile fiant da its if f bit IR 19 i I 1 tit nt t it t nial tl ti tw fir ON nt alit h dav of 04 0 tolor 19 I 1 il illation lii ninn being for a period f H lete k ariot I 1 he w lot in fa f D tola 1920 1020 alii also in 1 f t A of nii a itt a at k 1 i ilar lar and isavei if f i N afa s deott dv ott oatt a new newin spill 1 a ait n rol cut e circulation print I 1 a bill it I 1 i lind in isaid elev of I 1 I 1 tall 1 the first if f it ul I 1 tm to ie le mail on the tile thirtieth I 1 1 N ot 1 1920 and the lat last i li it i 1 ti it n to I 1 ie e med made on the till twenty t awl I 1 I 1 is lai of october 1920 eald sold 1 ab cuti v n it t og a for a lerud I 1 cried of 0 four m eeor I 1 i tor I 1 the tile thirtieth da dat if t 10 1 li 0 t tt I 1 dad elate lie afore I 1 f r ti 1 I 1 1 ol 01 li ir ix of bial ni I 1 election elff tion chich ski s stil ki I 1 notice shall lo 10 substantially ns isis fol h 1 R to wit of 01 StI MIlt BOND I 1 LF TION ITI OP OF I 1 C RI 0 colt 01 N ta FT M 01 OP IT MI kit there is immediate imme liate sat an pr a ing neel nee I 1 fr it in ln enlarging eiten ling end 1 alding to the tile tent waterworks sv evgeni tem of ail ii it I 1 cita an annl I 1 securing an ad a lit li tion ional water sulail for the pone f stil I 1 iving au ail I 1 strater to 0 it t inh inhabitant Inhibit abitanto ant tl tj ftc nf it tie I 1 mine winte to I 1 e avnel ani atil controlled cont rollel ollea ir iv ail sail SOW NOW e ii n here IT diett that on I tile th tt ir tied firth lay if f october 1920 it special el alou will be ile hell bell kithil the tile limiti of the city of prue cation carl on bunty I T tali for the tile purple of sul anan re bitting to the th iti vilified electors ele elee ctorn tars of all paid ail a shill I 1 lae i e r rail ai I 1 a 1 property ax x ther elit to i the veir next breeding pre eding 11 uh such ele elte tinn tion tin billowing fil fl lowing to wit I 1 hall tl ti it munt ilal al tiou coupon port lonii of the tile city of arite car a boa bon boutty I 1 tab tah in the sum ot of dollar dollars 11 in bet inot exie exee eiling aln twenty vears from front date elate of i mif bear imir at a rate not ex ee eel I 1 ng a sit six 6 per mit let i er annum bable sini i iii I 1 i iii bied l binl in t 8 11 for tle feirl so if th artenie et of iatrow ing improving im previn ensign elite n ittig binl in I 1 illing 1 I ling to the th pat pent aint water aorl sitten of nf mid said tit icv annl an 1 we curing AIL a water ater fitly for the pnra of anti diri huting water voter to the 1 i tent ti lie same am to I 1 lie lowarl ard liv bv aid said nu rau ni tit vf N t via baij 14 ole I 1 I 1 it t I 1 ie e f r rm of I 1 hall be v 34 fillow atoni it W RAI BAIT I 1 OT fit the jolene of beadi TW NO F if it ll 11 iiii voter deal dairo to vote vento till it f an ark ibue IM nf ret waterworks t nade foods aall atoll pl 1 ree an ri X in the pace erti utter the th word I 1 ito if it the ater drifke to ti ote agal rost jalk n wife of watt n bt redo 1 be shall rr in the pan after the word ano 0 o that 0 on tile lie reve ree idali of or 1 1 lot t shall ie it the tile foB oili om i i it 1 u I i OT fol THE ITY OF UT H SPECIAL WM H october 10 10 EO F M KHY t Reeo cita of e e on P r state of I 1 tat ta lit sold dp cle tan the thol p r I 1 11 ll all b opened at t th tour hour of 7 1 11 k a BI in a aid lit closed nt at tie tle hilr bo ir of oj 70 7 1 cl p m the polling pellin ff i lac ine f r m i d I 1 q r i let eest ro n fr N rth I 1 p N nf 1 1 41 l ahall shall iw bv nt at tie itt try hull hall in a ao try it of price ard the J of f I 1 lee tion at said place are A F am and E a horsley and tit ian 0 the th hollib plate fw for all at elector electors ft a kat e citret Di tret me iasu be kt at 1 t nos BMW ila t tt s ot if lit I 1 ti a at eaid said dt I 1 ita and i ig k matins mathis and slid john ure lire rolling pla pis e indre 11 are Jeano jesuse elmi lol and thomas fuger old id for all 1111 the 1 illint polling i lae late prue district 0 no o loutit elet el eitore for for old southern lial da do IS hall alkali be at and the judge judges of pot kt in ilk balu id after at bald polling plate are lire 0 P selo 3 it I 1 ale abe pow if its lw I 1 i i and ell cl ell dated at the city of price carbon el visit thi dav f f IW 1 D order tf of THI till cm CITI cot CTT OF THE UT ITI 01 PRICE 9 I 1 CARDON ARBON cairn TI L A siador attena r OCIL OCI L swi cleal catir recorder section 0 apat tile bilig ij lire aud tt tile Haliel lOle of the built of lice tion lion hell shall ie le 01 follina foll vs or nohh north price district N i 16 the tk mul r plate 1 shall be at the city hall in waid meld ltv t tv anil and the judges of lle lice tic alon shall it A I 1 jo colnon nn and E S and seren serea olsen 01 I 1 if lat fast I 1 rice Di tritt no 17 the lolling ilae ball be ht tit coulty court I 1 houri ion iu fit said tits citi and slid the of elect ion shall li it john A Alati kis and I 1 it i are an ail I 1 thomas I 1 aid ald fir smith ince I 1 ree district Dittri ct no 0 o IS IF th the I 1 alaci 1 lace fl ill ell ie I 1 e at tit oil NI southern I 1 fa D pilot I 1 of lit ill sai sail I 1 alt cita ind tie ta c judges 41 H I 1 ti it it shall be 0 i madsen and 1 i and ale al e I 1 biell section 7 that thi th f t 0 be and be he is auth ud j erected to aurit uniting oi lions to said ld judge judges of eu li U 0 eve o a I 1 election as a may be geee siry to enable them to properly conduct snell el tion canvas the tile vote votes ami certify thees abe to aid bale countie of aid oilia it of price utah aks required by 1 law AIN all aa that sal said city recorder shall eus be li lots tc to be in printed the form forat net get forth in said notice and furnish furni sli sail ballot bu to UK the judges of sat eal I 1 flett loa to be fe fai t nishell to te vie electors ther to f and that said city recorder Kee order ill also i provide ballot I 1 axes T roll oil booke books aai aul lit o 0 staff nery nece searl for the lie me ae of julie judges at baij election region 8 that in tie illon of 0 the tile city council of tile elt aih of fim utah it is sarv to the icae heintl all safety of said ell aih thal tim this ordinance onlin ance become cpr jil e lattak ed abely so that the po ito d d for fiere herein iii aty I 1 ie e held on tit tir a dp 4 tied fied that the work of ampro ing aa extending the present aster lotfin ot of said sold city is now under ma dav and adoll I 1 needed to aar tor for the tile kunle as the work progresses section V ihl this ordin ordinance ord manco anco 1 I all tik effice lipolt the day lay of its IN lage a ap r pro at an ani I 1 leation rasped IN 1 the alt aih cui I 1 of the ili city f I 1 irice rice utah and al B proved ed b by the maor tins this aay of september A D 1920 L A 11 G EE mavor attest GEO CEO F beal seal ty recorder Rp corder |