Show OUR EXCHANGES N I 1 1 I 1 iv ltv fl 11 ami and w ri r i li 11 in im I 1 ft 41 i fully 1 1 t 1 6 ovo natii ti tilt in lit nit lilt gh aine tallis wax was all cimpl tel lit fn ono lav dav jiuu ae as this shipment left loft the tho halt I 1 r ra at murray utah at 3 a lit II 11 morning by twit with mr tr aganth stat deputy aitse in ili lari chart and slid wag was met at current mak bf br mr ur I 1 beete wh who the illie eteh the annie day tu ta T a 1 were vereil vered and anti panted at the mouth ut of by mr davie davis aud rud mr ur tufte illa at of N tho nil nire were in kabiry aly creek above the pow or er plant by charle johnson nil ani I 1 the halow were place I 1 in fit reck creek near the 11 II C ruple Iti pl ranch by 11 mr r I 1 rebee nother not tier shipment to exited ax as oiin goon a the tile MIA ern vr be to tilt tl murra bat chirr which abi ii will li he illi ali in didt I 1 nh ime county leeor I 1 boz a to nta tate int nair nale liy by mr t II 11 la to N ernal fri FC regj tie drill at file ali local 11 test well on oil lie tile ili big six laae nest eit of armi river Is i belth the tima t ni hai ho orinel alien the first oil nani matil may be the tile well nell it i ina down low butir alian its feet in 1 nc ar lo 10 ezeral eoleta in lit tint the emli nt it the till IS bic 01 1 I owl lay alt vin aja a 1 on oil tie lo attoa tho th firma pay dav stirl 1 lp fie I 1 lp sill an 1 feet it ii m tl tal piaia of win woj have mal a careful atily nt ily of tit lie feigi 11 il it neiti 11 lift at he ti 0 11 tint ti at a irith of it feet IM IK in III i ro to I 1 I KHOH K HOH moab leendent mi af urah Dar barkley kley sister tot mr mrs eliza R airl amt mrs fall rall has beekil eugeal jointly lv liv thi l auty lied rett and the tile bounty school baard As county school iturbe miss 1 berkley hall ha ability ani ant fur for this position losi tion an all I 1 emery county is S very ery fortunate in ili so xu curing riK her ber ediee hembes site will b ir r lady to lo com meave ork ht fint of 0 ottber emery county progress the body bokly of janet ja hayward sink iu lit law of mr air ami and SM mrs grouge 1 will arrive JH in a few lays fr ir in fracci the 1 young livin gw pro ap n leq L life lit the boril war nul atil the boli iq i being sl ia tw I 1 liere here whre where chiq m wife ife is i buried batea I 1 of to cumberlan ip 1 NN vw vo where villere his lii home wa was regular funeral fees will be I 1 el 1 it ie is 1 as a noon as a hie his father arrive arrives from wyoming imiru comity Pro progress grei |