Show ISM get your work done at 0 51 1 MI 9 1 WE MAKE all kinds of chimney v T hoods stove pipe metal tanks and all kinds of sheet metal and cornice nice work all styles and sizes we are now installing five furnaces AND of the famous ROUND w R 0 U N 11 OAK 0 A if k r MAKE let us show you these we have more mor on hand for immediate installation all we have sold are giving living excellent satisfaction round oak chief ranges t and Heat ersin several sizes now is the time to buy bu Y paint up and preserve your buildings from winter inter w storms our stock of paints is complete C H he STEVENSON LUMBER COMPANY phone price utah hear ye hear ye y x e JOSEPH JOSETH RIME DAN B be 10 lo STATE AUDITOR ATTORNEY GENERAL 0 0 will address the voters of price and vicinity on state issues at courthouse price Z 0 SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER 2nd 0 women are urged to come this is the opening of the democratic campaign N our position is clear and strong we want you to know the facts come and hear them NOTE THE DATE AND PLACE N advertisement 1 y S e er cai ram MR the children love Wrig leys aund it S good for theme 14 mada under conditions condit kons of absolute cleanliness and brought to them a wrigley is ceased sanitary Paca gc the craving bior eells sweet cris breath allays and IL step teeth clean costs mile benefits much aalia ac 1 abken w nerve T 13 1 3 E FL AV LASTS IM L ln 2 I 1 Z S J i parl CT N AIM A IM ww iti ohl wl 1 tafv i limiel l 1 j 11 ill it I 1 I 1 it |