Show Z IN 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 00 0 a y celebration Z ka 0 0 0 PRICE OCT 12 0 41 1 1 za 0 0 S UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE 01 01 I 1 ITALIAN CLUB I 1 0 ill iiii g OF CARBON COUNTY X all italians of the county are tire respectfully respectful Ily 1 1 invited to tako talce part Eva everyone of all nation welcome s girado will start from courthouse at 10 a in and go to city p irk where there az will be a program of and addresses 0 s hon Q C R marcusen 0 0 0 i and 0 rev ralph C jones 0 0 wll will bo be ilie speaden iz 0 0 concert by the famous Sunny aido siao italian 1 band ban d during the afternoon s I 1 BIG DANCE IN THE EVENING Z 1 0 0 s i Z come co met come co me 0 BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE i 0 1 more new books latest hili high cla chai fiction atom the best sellers einings Een ings are gt long and it is time to have sonic some tood food reading 11 on hand dool books that hold ou fast for liours licurs Ile alth literature fit fur for an am niem bor ber of the fai fusul nil AS CHEAP AS SOLD ANYWHERE neu stati stationery oneri in groat arnt new tints and now textures for the parti particular oular is omen and gerh in indi individual ideas dirth announcements in cither either pink or blin lt lot our friends I 1 binom aoi ii hn a little litot arria arrives es price drug company I 1 the REXALL store m C classified L A S I 1 E D IN anted girl to work at meal oral laun dry tf men lien bantel good positions open for laborers mill men and construction workers both experienced and inex perien ced steady work the year round good chance tor for advancement for the right kind of 0 men apply by letter or la in person to J G 0 hadley utah colaer company garfield Gard eld utah uta it 2023 20 23 wanted xo To bur buy a few air old c john P smith wellington a 0 a for rot kent rent forty are aeres wilb water witter two and i 11 lau from ariee Ilor home tiers chick cucka moto otal for saibi bal fryers at llor ners chick on ett ranch g ati teams for work ty r road F r S 8 dunlevy on oy ea w a 3 tf for rent space e fifteen feet in and ad nine feet wd wide bee 0 aveni oaf tf Nati salted ted to buy A large hand heater beater suitable eul table for etore store roona quire J D up news advocate la tf m for sale one oae 1012 and find one tent inquire of bud pace or of jo frandsen 33 lost eastern star pla in lettween r E bloods bode residence a and vigan VI store reward for return m mrs A IV mack u 23 WE WILL mo MOVE V E 0 OCTOBER CT 0 B R 1 Is st 5 OUR RESENT QUARTERS QUARTE RS ARE NOT LARGE ENOUGH FOR OUR I 1 GROWING BUSINESS AND WE HAVE LEASED THE 9 t I 1 studebaker building just south of tho the tracks on eighth st t new and complete equipment for all kinds of auto repairing will be installed and a force of skilled mechanics employed AGENCY FOR studebaker OARS CARS ir t 4 come down and see us madsen connell 10 VIM boo ell garage 11 t y what A t kind of music are you permitting oth a I 1 bet ting your children to hear PIC U peti think what the stands for in aud hair music music in in the homes of america today ag bon I 1 t ral the I 1 he best music reproduced lea af the best way call at Mir burgener glener s and I 1 let et us play for you the latest records and explain to you our methods of business our plan will interest you yo u burgener music co coo price utah l arr FT I 1 i y |