Show wastefulness OF DEMOS CONDEMNED counts state and national admin i aviti it ns rig all came come in for 11 I 1 lame to for or tl ti air misdeed and shortcoming S tu itt the platform adol adored led at the republican counte com contention antion an a additional judie to landle the tile calendar ar la in car ba county was urged the f full all text bof f the as t resented by A J lee chairman el the committee K fol low lows the republicans of carbon irbon 4 county co niety ta in clention coen mention tion assembled rejoice la in the pro prospect of our triumph in the coming county count state and national election as indicated by the splendid victory won mon in the state at af maine on tio tt c thirteenth day da of september 1920 sad nd we pile give hearty endorsement to the republican national and state platforms and candidates and declare a as follows I 1 int point va with ith ariae to the mag ent mord ricord of our party bom its inception down to the present time it Is I 1 a denoted record of loyalty 7 to the lag flag of patriot re fe support of our out free institutions and 0 of f a policy that has u 11 anted our oar e countr auntry to the foremost place um ug the manufacturing and ad producing nations of 0 the world 2 0 o cong ral ulato ou ourselves relves and filler allor count country rm n upon the promises prom iaea of a keidy return of constitutional government goern ment in tho tile most certain elec eleo tion of barren marron G harlin liar ling and calvin Coo coolidge lilge ige theme two fearless and far sighted sigl ted americans hold cuoio all ciso eise a rec recce and reelect for american tradition ant are term in ili tie belief that the united states Is still able to regulate its own oun affair affairs and we me ap plaud the action of the cepul lican senators and the democratic senators w who ho colnel with alum in noting doun the treaty submitted by the self ap pointed and self anno hite lute I 1 bace del chate who nho kept us out of war artil after his film re election reelection a polay which if adopted would I 1 lave A 0 robbed us of oar eudoice eudo nce and preserved to ll 11 i the right to say when ond and whether we 81 elfull out I 1 go to wa wai er rr r tike pirt tit for eiju wars 3 we ive are appo opposed ed to aar public policy or trent national or interns dional which aises to foreign nn lia anns the rig t to order american I 1 oi to leae e athe their it I 1 onus for foreign oid adli taut tant laudi lands to enter wars in 1 I teh ich we no I 1 itte c DO no r esaia arn 4 nc c but reit reiterate that which is of common public knowledge when we say that tle present democratic ad ministration baa ten criminally waste ful on annl I 1 ir ro aless idess in tie expenditure of fund funds In trusted to their care aul ail fie vie great national debt now bur dealt g oui out leople stands ns nn nit clo elo luent monument of 0 5 11 0 fai faor or the ol 01 oil I 1 time honored tarita brought pros pent to our countr goo gool I 1 wages mages to the laborer and industry and kindred industries Indu now on oil tho the democratic free list ato to the tile extent that such industries may prosper and bo be able to dispose of their products t a reasonable profit 0 ine e hold in honor ani ant grateful recollection tho tile memory and deeds of our heroes dead or living and the be publican lub 1 lican party liaa vaye shown its it full purpose to ghe give ia in ample measure to those heroes tie tic evidence of ie tee nations gratitude and we deplore the fact act that cur our democratic county corn com mission cra refused to recognize the ap peal pool tt f the american legion to appoint a disabled soldier to the position of janitor at the courthouse court louse and istead retained an nit inefficient alien who though h ining ing in this country for man years ear lam u neier never thought sufficient of our C country or I 1 n try to become a citizen thereof 7 vie ile arraign the national state and county democratic administrations for or their glaring failure to beep keep I 1 ledges made for tl ti e reduction of taxes under thin this administration vie ile pay to toay toiny iny the lighett taxes levied in the history of the country ant an I 1 vc ae ire ahlsted that we will enter the year 1921 with cefic its it of close to a million dollar dollars the time haa has come for a rl P tl t about face for product I 1 expenditures acs saner leg I 1 illation lation and the abol cf of all un 3 ne necessary essary office offices anu wt w pledge the nominee nominees wo we el all name this elty to that out enl 8 ine e favor consistent with the tile financial ability of the i eople leople tl t e making of improvement improvements the guilding lull luil ding of good road the development of our state an in bount the lecla reclamation mation of our public lauda lands by national 1 ant state aldi aid the tile develop ment of irrigation as ani I 1 eal pledge ourselves to work first and all tho the time until accomplished el the building of tho tile pleasant valley nalley T octo which means so 0 o much to the agriculture industry ind of our county which will bring under cultivation thon of acres of the beet best land lands in utah and will entimo carbon county to become an ex portet of in place of an importer of oer over 75 per cent rt r it pro in luce e 9 t ile arraign the th democratic Deio cratic county commissioners for tle tl e wasteful expend iture of thousands of dollars on the price canyon road which if completed will tool to sene serve a small per cent of the tile tax aarem of the county and ao save but twenty minutes travel between caron carbon county ani ant western points and deplore the fact that the present democratic lave last ignored the la r in Is the of contract contracts for or put he lie work to parties ad advertising or for bid euil and has e not re to lusted bonds for tile faithful performance of the nork ft aik oik undertaken and ve e pledge our oar nominee nominees that it if elided that no contract will be award asard ed to any arty ont on other than the lowest rea bidder and that the people sw will III be lit protected I 1 y a good and euf suf bond for the faithful gerfo perform rat ane of the work and no political politics I 1 debt debts will mill lie be paid out evil 0 the peor it money 10 it Is I 1 mith nith pardonable pride that we refer to the splendid record of our senior senator the honorable heed reed smoot ie e predict his hi tri re election to the office he has so honored by distinguished service eer rice and part lerl barly commend bis his actions in cutting ail ani I 1 trimming government expends as proposed by democratic boffl cere and of which the north and west bear ten ien elevenths eleven the of the taxes nece sary to ran run our government 11 we justly point with pride to the splendid record and ach lement of the republican office holders of this state aud and cortti in 00 0 to o past and pledge to ilc me people of county that the nominees of tho the republican party to day lay ani ant elected PA a november No ember 2nd andl next t A will maln taia hat high st stan aillard lard which is characteristic of the republic can parti parts 1 12 the republican party has al at ways wn eicel that lais law were rut jut on our at statutes ta tutee for enforcement if not they should bo be repealed repelled lne condemn the Mater statement neat recently made in tit tl it is in city nt at the count teach era ers institute by a dimo trade appointee to the tile effect that there are 1 I W NN Is s in utah and anit half of them in carbon county 1 V loll 1011 noi tho the eald said statement Is un true pad pad we bilie belie e that it was wh 15 prompt ed ea tj 1 tie chagrin of the op speaker eaker who I 1 resented the tile action of tho tile county of education in lit refusing to ap up prop regular school funds fei 1 1 e education of alien residents of rf this count at the of our amerl can car lorn lorix children vo ine realize that we baie hane n few euh suh eu su h but no more than our out fair aill no more out not lot 80 many as 03 the count from which this pearleman peat leman I 1 all aili wo we teel that alle is dould be educated but they sliu lall ln ll be educated to their tu to this country and not allowed to como come in while in a nn illiterate condition t tf be a burden and menace to american citizen citizens nal to be lie educated nt at cur our in III conclusion I 1 t us remove 0 tho the stones stories from our snow bills pledge our loyalty to the tile iaru tarts first to the party almas alft ns and to tic tie party that is again to tae save th tl cott coi itry and pLes our LO constitution in view ot of tile deplorable condition of tte tle calendar in our district court ani alit the inability of litigants to t get a hearing duo due I 1 rinel lally to tack lack ot time of the present judge wo ire feel that he seventh district should lave AN e two judg 6 in fit place of one and the republican here assembled in conventions contentions pledge ourselves and our nominee to the legis lature to use our best efforts to further legislation looking toward the tho creation of an additional judgeship |