Show BEE MEN TO MEET A of rial meeting of c the altah state stat e association will nill be held in the hotel atah 1 tah in palt falt lake city commencing at 10 30 wednes day morning october C and with other s at 1 30 in the aate a n and 8 in the evening 1 ell known beekeepers are expected to attend from outside the state and all beeke beekeeper elert of itah I 1 tab whether mem bers of the aiso clation or not arc are in eted cited ly ty J C Ile nager of bountiful preaL leat of the organization and by F D Ter Tori iberry berr vp the to id b ir resent resent A large attendance is i ant anta cl I 1 1 acedo as a the meeting takes place dur ing the state fair |