Show BOURBONS SELECT A COUNTY TICKET rel 0 J E holmes of clerk 11 1 C smith of price 61 cri T r netter of price treasurer Tret surer n S of price recorder J A crocket crockett of price assessor B S W lo holding of wellington A t t 0 r cc george M miller of price surveyor Bu Surse it J schultz of castle gate commissioner two year term vim im eamon of castle oate cate commissioner year term P F P fisher of helper wien five fineu incumbent in bents had ben rein roin by acclamation acclimation ant an I 1 one new cand a adit kate late had been place I 1 on tb th title tt et I 1 in n tria fame same manner manor by br the dow bratle conent contention lon tonight it began to look lilio like the expected fun full mas ft a not going to develop however when 0 T tra rixon named IV na W olsen and he big 1 A oil george it miller for the r r 3 0 out at for or county attorney the father andson anu on ra roo client opened the proceed ings the result wa was tn in doubt until the that lat last vote note was mas counted when whom tt it WAS wa fourier that miller 1 ad forty six ix tote votes ati enl oleen olsen forty three for nn an office that takes ettia imp time that of jurvey urve or developed a nice littie ernp top silas 11 young nominated IT AV joach joute of irlee price saying tl ti nt at thi this WM was office in shiell it wa was essential to havo a it price buu who could be found va en N wanted he lie took a rep rap kt lit his hi allow democrat otto herres for not evea MU time to come to price for far hie hla salary warrants var runts but down to IM ahmo hmo 0 them cd to him hint J 8 13 bax sax ot of stated tl fl t ills hi temp CAMP W abeel nothing but would I 1 lack a cr r mer met lawatha If engineer new now nt at catle castle gott it J schultz leo leonard put up the name tame of W NV cl CI de as of tito first bullot ballot was not INO but bowed showed that the rest of tho tile tint list price had received its ll 11 alir carre to jones withdrew in favor of clyde ani the second I 1 allot resulted in fort ei ht for schultz and forty for cl 01 de f r tl TI Is cleared the way iray for what wa was expected to bo be tho the rial scrap but bard hard ark of party leaders during the day lal smoothed moo thed off many of the angles and the name of riman Ire by br lit i ry east an annl I 1 tant of 0 NN aubur barn burn loni lam presented b L bilas silas loung were tha tile only onea ones up for two year commit commis froner i str mr loung stated that the antin bureau lad decided that mr 1 trul nin mut must I 1 ie e pl teed on oil tho the ticket tint tl nt the tile farmers t have a voice in sri county affairs ila elated stated that there ioro SOO 00 of theia them and that tho vote could be thrown in a block whichever way the bureau decided and that the democrat democrats tint list tote solo to win the conNen tiou thought that there waa was no n need of considering the of abo farmer farmers however for the vote stood sixty beven moves for edman nud and twenty five for burnham IN IN armtrong armstrong made a I 1 ig plea for recognition of imper telling of alint hat import anco nato lit h conall ered the helper vote and rained 1 F P risher for or the fourbear four year term as no commissioner during the conferences coa ferenee in the after coon roon all oth r ta had with dravin voluntarily or ot fwise and ben den labaig P rf castle gate almost threw n monkey key wrench into the twi machinery chinery when lie named lake loung of price but for it 11 long time a the th vue it took a laugh when ron who hai has I 1 een ten a cloce close ariena of I 1 alto for seats car amott forgit the name oc of hi tits rna at tl ti e close of hn his speech pe eeli domene kafel affel the ballot box fr fir then them were 7 vote votes mt cast when the tile ere als committee had found only eigi t nine heleg entitled to seats the tile oe ope 4 atra otea notes were taken off of fishers eighty seven and lio lie still had itty elx to young youngs t cai and wa was I the nominee I 1 it evtech I 1 y vi 1 G Itar mom an no of the rally with kirie ririe and shields as a speakers ty evening announcement of round table ell illmus cus ion of campaign issues and aud a feast of ice ito cream and eake take closed the ei diening e the filec of the round tables will be hell ir the courthouse tuesday eve ning 1 frank militants AUl llaina and elsom brown two men were bound over to the district court this week by justice II Tr ammond on a charge of beating up anu and robbi it olo of castle gate the cetlin hal had friend friends la in helper and had lintl started homo home but topped stopped in the eiko elko a negro resort in helper for a soft drink he ile displayed a roll of SD 89 which wro wr too much for or the accused ant an I 1 tle tie allowed him out ito t ket get it brank rank nick tricks waa was down from fiell to t take ake t in the republican convention |