Show MORE BOOZE CASES I 1 A general clean ur was made the first of the week of alices of ting ling the prohibition laar 1 sen ml bar eli of wine v were ere seize I 1 at the home homes of italian italians ant on I 1 the athens tut tie carbon pool hall ani ana the allies hotel were veto searched mike Irla klapakis who fins ha promised several 1 timea times to be good I 1 lall of I 1 a fino line of and is I 1 under a ens sas sentence aen tence of sixty das da in jail martin buruel et who waa was found at the allies with a bottle in his 0 paid a fine of charles Cli arlee bo do lomo tomo is charged with dl 11 hering a bottle of wh whisked iske to constable A T bombard at the homp home of susie Pen penman trian all cases except those who Ile leaded adeel guilty will probably po go to the district court for interpretation of the tam la Pre limin 1 arica aries were before justice J IF 1 knight |