Show HOSE ROSE RAISES STINK OVER HIS DEAL HERE price people sicre not el ed to 0 learn that tho the rose pot got into court imme diatel teli of after ter filing selling his hi I 1 nin ten a all tion to mr mrs mary star of texas last is celt eck tho the roo rose would esl t denti iia be content if I 1 e were veto not mellius smelling melli ug in some wnm nn the tribune aae says D barnes Ilar nev real f laate broker with offices of in Is the costol lio brilling bu bull illing ling ass as ar at restel esterday et erday and arraigned arral sned before city cit judge henry C lund wt 01 tharpe charges of if embezzlement brought by dr C T rose mr darnel barnes va war released 1 on ills hl 0 own recognizance according to NN Illard ll lard hanson actor 11 ncy 0 y for dr kose rose mr barnes barites wa was rn en caged ged to sell 9 piato of bt fit price for dr rose and retained 1 2000 tn in the transaction which dr role alleges i tho the broker wa sas not entitled to daniel alexander attorney for mr darnes sail sal 1 lait last night that the dispute was one over a on a deal involving ahei anil that it was a case blitch should liou lil base am e boom brought to cital tn in a it civil court inam inasmuch much in ili his opinion it called for no criminal proceeding whatsoever bea 1 roberts assistant county at tonic torne orill I lait night that barnes told him yesterday that 1500 of the amount mount in question was mas for a commis 1 alon slon |