Show SCHOOLS GET MONEY UNDER COURT ORDER price and fout routs were retained retain od by tile I 1 loarl our I 1 of edu education tation at ite its last I 1 13 t meeting to apply to the supreme court for a writ of mandate ordering the county commissioner commissioners to make a levy of 83 85 dils for school purposes ee the schools were short anler the erven seven mill levy the commissioners more anxious to make the raise but felt that they coull coul I 1 not do eo go under brew as it aas i as ambiguous salt a I 1 the attorney gen ge truls office list ha 1 ruled for dais county that seven mills vas nas the tire limit C 8 9 irice price argie rffie fl I 1 the cae caie I 1 odore the tile coutt court laet last friday and tl it e commission ere ers were rei represented resented ly 17 county countr at torney 13 W dalton assistant actor ney general draper niso ed tie court in I 1 abair of tl tie e ild nid int rl bireta reta tion ni as lie ha bal I 1 given the ruling in men dionel I 1 the th court ordered the tile raise and issued the writ it Is mal iring gome some extra work in lit the county treasurers office but notices will I 1 tc 0 out next neck mock |