Show N T i i ir t f fairness lowarl our ovir T rit f fit li atiq i 1 whose p pirt irta orgin is i t f net nil nit a until it get gets i ahti h vi I 1 0 t th ill neva cv prints tho the fol lowi a T tl editor I 1 do I 1 bellove thet that uit e fin ein in arni ni a i und julg meir 11 hearing only 01 il it of the no no pers on pan fo ao to tho the ells and do himself mil n his it 11 igi gelbor bor gittlee j estice unless ho lie lia liaa it laearl ear II 11 loth oth at alles lei of the issues and slid baa ba foi to i I 1 hi his judgment julg ment accordingly kiv is it that for air 1 we avii hue e hn lin I 1 a democratic nd administration in lit national afrim why ia Is it tl al four tear cars ago this eo so stroney etro nily rei hel illicit it il licin n v nt lit dem devil socratic ocra oera tic thiro must hab liae teen 1 ean eonia ri it for the cl eltinge an nit I 1 yet if ato vair tr to take tin thi norl of the neisha I 1 vi cf f the stated state it woul I 1 be imps ble to li clieo that anything goo gool I 1 could c iti lit from front tho tile D socratic mo cratic i 1 airty TI re rc aro are many big a reasons why thia this gant tat which VIL tit I 1 I 1 vo ve will mako make it eloy stay demo derno crati liko tile nation nut but v i are vi oil jig ui a handicap hanji cap the only 11 ty in tit which vi ye can call our eide side la Is IN 1 i I 1 of mouth accordingly 11 a the 1 I in ats of lii ill tv are going iff to ansti t to t a H m ri a of koumi round table discus si st n M kly from front now until election ue vc arc are not afraid of pilli lulli city no nic anro not agrall questions que etione tho only thin wo we are abrail I 1 of is tho the vote ote of i person who aill ft ill not listen to both ei lc it t these discussions tho tile issues of tho the cami cain laign will be presented creeel ted by lo 10 al at people nil nit I 1 each I 1 ere era it i present will bo be gi riv n the opportunity to ask questions que ehon both will bo be heard we aro tire even going 0 so o far a as to chal chat lenge enge our liann frice ils Is to public debate ue vo bellee bellene in ILL the searchlight earch lIght upon tho tile pro ami jid con for N e I 1 avo ave lver thing t to 10 gain aln out an I 1 nothing noth lii to line by publicity the tie first of these it a acting s will bo be held at the courthouse tuesday night october 5 al at 7 30 ne V aprial specially especially to thi th i voter an 1 all thinking people to ie Is tl alere ere subject discuss tl I 1 at tills this first meeting will nill bo be the league of na iona 11 lou wl wol liar I 1 tar both sile 1 of article X do you believe in fair if so hae has been bald said wo we aiu nu be there 8 L N ILLI it A elt W G |